RCP Cartridge relocation info! Post pics of your games!!!

At least you can eliminate ground and power wires. Which already gets ride of 13 connections. And I guess it doesn't really matter for wiring the cartridge slot. But it's nice to know for direct rcp wiring.
Went to my retro gaming store today... No gamesharks or anything :(
I did get an N64 and controller with the pay for 15$ though xD
zenloc said:
According to this site pin 8 has a write function. It's normally not connected to anything. Wonder why it is on mario golf though....

Perhaps because Mario Golf can read Mario Golf GBC carts?

I really have no clue, but that is the only thing I can think of that makes Mario Golf special.
Well AFAIK gameshark has perfect compatibility, so if that doesn't connect certain pins, there's no need to. That's my stance.
agreed! The portable I'm making won't even have the option to but thicker n64 cartidges in anyway so I could care less.

Also super smash brothers uses pin 8. It the type of cartridge. Mario golf look exactly the same as smash brothers. So me thinks their are certain models which use diferent pins. As mario64 and donkey kong use pin 21. All the other games don't use pin 8 nor pin 21. But they are all standard games.
I think I'm gonna write up our findings into a semi-guide or does anyone else want to do that?
I'm assuming you guys have never heard of http://tcsr.cjb.net/

It doesn't look like it's been updated in years, but it's still got lots of pics...

EDIT: some links have broken over the years it seems, some have pics, some don't :(

O well, less work for us ;)
i like this man. he bumps a topic as his first post, with relevant useful input! i see good things in this mans future. although i thought he was nightwheel at first.
samjc3 said:
i like this man. he bumps a topic as his first post, with relevant useful input! i see good things in this mans future. although i thought he was nightwheel at first.
Isn't this guy from BH? His avatar is unmistakable.
Jewjo said:
samjc3 said:
i like this man. he bumps a topic as his first post, with relevant useful input! i see good things in this mans future. although i thought he was nightwheel at first.
Isn't this guy from BH? His avatar is unmistakable.
nope. he has the same avatar as nightwheel. :wink:
samjc3 said:
Jewjo said:
samjc3 said:
i like this man. he bumps a topic as his first post, with relevant useful input! i see good things in this mans future. although i thought he was nightwheel at first.
Isn't this guy from BH? His avatar is unmistakable.
nope. he has the same avatar as nightwheel. :wink:

Well, I guess that explains where I stole got this awesome avatar.... I could never remember.....

I can change it if you want :wink:
Ok, well I changed it, but more importantly, do we still have to wire all of the wires? or can we skip the earlier mentioned ones?
Even though I don't plan on RCP wiring anyway, it still would be a couple less wires to relocate/troubleshoot if they really aren't needed...