RCP Cartridge relocation info! Post pics of your games!!!

Re: RCP Cartridge relocation info needed....

I like you zenloc, we think alike.

I'll take a look at some of my open carts later and tell you my results, but I noticed this a long time ago when I did a bunch of RCP wiring, they have no connection.

Also, "L and R audio" have no connection either, from what I've seen, so you can drastically reduce a lot of the wires, plus this is the one thing keeping me from starting my next n64p. My plan is the same as yours, to use a step up for the video and sound and just power the rest of it with a single 3.7v cell.

You let my surprise outta the bag. :P Time to come up with something else ground breaking.

If I can recommend anything, get in contact with marshallh and hammer out some info if you can, I'm sure he knows if it's needed or not, and if so what it's purpose is. I was planning on doing that in about three weeks, but you're working on it now so PM him on BH. He's a cool guy and can definitely point you in the right direction if he doesn't exactly know.

Re: RCP Cartridge relocation info needed....

I don't think the 12V is needed by any games either, afaik it was only used for the ext port for the N64DD and such.
In the few carts that I've got opened there are many pins unconnected(8,13,14,24,38,39,44,45,46,49). So if you need to reduce your wiring it might be worth going through all your games to check which pins aren't hooked up, with the duplicate grounds you could save about half the cart slot wires.
Re: RCP Cartridge relocation info needed....

Everyone likes zenloc :P

Yeah, you have to remember that the extension port shared the points, that's a good point. Obviously some of these were never intended for the cart slot, but were just there because of the mechanics.
Re: RCP Cartridge relocation info needed....

:sweat: too much love people :rofl:

!!!!THE EXPANSIONSLOT!!!! I feel like an idiot :lol: I got the feeling it's just like you say. Allot of connections are used for the expansion slot and not for actual games.

I'm gonna open all my games and post which pins are used. Would be great if others could help. That way we could make rewiring the connector less of a hassle. Especially when RCP wiring it!

I might ask marshall on BH for some info. Altough I'm not really fully into it yet (have a couple of commissions that need to be finished). But we'll get there. Making a n64 really small is possible and shouldn't be to difficult we just need proper documentation! That way everybody can enjoy miniture 64's :mrgreen:
Re: RCP Cartridge relocation info needed....

I'll open my collection when I get a screwdriver, gotta go to the hardware store, not got the time atm.
Re: RCP Cartridge relocation info needed....

On Mario golf pins 13, 14, 21, 24, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, and pin 49 are not used.


Re: RCP Cartridge relocation info needed....

Got some hd pictures up. 50mb though. All of them are third party so they require memory paks. (you can see a battery on them)

I chose some unpopular ones so I don't have the same as anyone else.

wf war zone
mortal kombat mythologies sub-zero
ms pacman maze madness
armorines (voided a warrenty sticker for this one :) )
hydro thunder
bomberman (my fried one)
f-1 world grand prix (this one is a pal game)



It will be really nice if you need only 25 connections (or around that) Especially for rcp relocation.
Although this is questionable for third party stuff like the gameshark and the new neo n64 myth cartridge.
Re: RCP Cartridge relocation info needed....

Not à Bad idea, i can Host this to avoid rs
Re: RCP Cartridge relocation info needed....

Joeyjoe9876 said:
On Mario golf pins 13, 14, 21, 24, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, and pin 49 are not used.



Oke check with the pictures from bentomo and my own. Those pins marked in this picture and not used by any game so far!!! I get the feeling there aren't any games that use those pins!!!

Also ground is all connected together with the exception of pins 6 and 31 those pins are also ground and are not connected to the other grounds. Meaning you could just use 2 wires. Still gotta test this though it might lose stability. I do know that I gouped the grounds that were close to each other on the cartridge connector making me only use 4 wires and that everything works perfectly. Have yet to test 2 wires.

Does anybody have a cheat device??? Maby they do use those pins...
I tried finding a list of different N64 mappers. Are there even different mappers? It doesn't appear so.

Nintendo 64 games were ROM cartridge based. Cartridge size varied[46] from 4 MB (32 Mbit) (e.g. Automobili Lamborghini and Dr. Mario 64) to 64 MB (512 Mbit) for Resident Evil 2 and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Some of the cartridges included internal EEPROM or battery-backed-up RAM for saved game storage. Otherwise, game saves were put onto a separate memory card, marketed by Nintendo as a Controller Pak.

This is all wikipedia has to say. I'm also trying to find a list of "special cartridges" but it looks like you can avoid these pins indeed.
Yeah I think there's only one n64 mapper standard. But what's weird is that mario golf is the only game that uses pin 8... All the others don't. So that means that their is something different. But we indeed need some pics of those special games. Sadly I don't own any....

According to this site pin 8 has a write function. It's normally not connected to anything. Wonder why it is on mario golf though....
Mhm, this is probably something marshall could help us with. Incidentally, the question is if it's needed. I guess one pin more doesn't really hurt. Can you tell where 8 is going on the cartridge? The picture is kind of bad.
Thanks!! would be good to see what pins are used in there. Also just rechecked all my games and made a couple of mistakes :roll:

donkey kong and mario 64 both use pin 21 and super smash brothers uses pin 8. So that clears up those 2 they are definitly needed.

Also took some HD pics om my carts if anybody is interested http://rapidshare.com/files/345763354/H ... s.rar.html

All the other pins though are not used.
Here's special carts I could find:
-Game killer cheat cartridge (http://cgi.ebay.de/Game-Killer-Cheat-Ca ... 5881f12f1b)
-Game booster n64 -> gameboy cartridge (http://cgi.ebay.de/Nintendo-64-Game-Boo ... 2305111518)
-PASSPORT PLUS III import cartridge (http://cgi.ebay.de/PASSPORT-PLUS-III-3- ... 53df7bccc4)
-Gameshark pro (http://cgi.ebay.de/NINTENDO-64-N64-GAME ... 53df651467)
-Equalizer cheat cartridge

marshall has a picture of one side of a gameshark cartridge here:
I opened up my gameshark pro and it looks like all the pins are use connected to the cartridge slot above. The company probably didn't bother to check if any where unneeded. So all of the pins are connected to the cartridge slot above on the gameshark so the best way to see if it works is to test it with a cartridge slot that's only using the 29 wires that are connected on all cartridges.
Hmm don't have a gameshark so can't really test it. On the save side maby I should just rewire all the wires. Would still be good to know if they are really used for anything.