PS3 Remote Play on a CFW'd PSP

Twilight Wolf

Frequent Poster
Well, last night, I finally got my PSP set up for Remote Play. It's super cool - I'm quite literally controlling my PS3, along with seeing what my PS3 is displaying and hearing what sounds it's producing, from my PSP. However, I can only use it by connecting my PSP wirelessly directly to my PS3 and not through my home network. It tells me I need to update my firmware when I try connecting through my home network. Faking my firmware version by editing the version.txt file in my PSP's flash0 allowed me to connect to my PS3, but does nothing for connecting through my home network. If I can't connect through my home network, it's pretty much pointless since the whole idea of Remote Play is to use your PS3 from any Wifi spot, though I do think it's cool to be able to turn my PS3 on and off from other parts of the house. :D

Anyone have any insight they can offer on this? Should I upgrade my firmware? If so, what's the most recent CFW available, and where can I get it? (I'm still on 5.00-M33. It's been ages since I've updated it.)