Re: PS2 Trimming and DD Replacement Discussion (Best PS2 Mod
So... Ahem... On top of all the other flax I haven't finished I've been tinkering with the PS2 lately (for yet another project *cough*). Specifically the model everyone's been going on about in this thread (the SCPH-79001) cause that's what I ordered of course. The board is pretty small as has been stated, about the size of an untrimmed GameCube motherboard.
I took it all apart and gave it a quick look over, and while I think trimming to gain some breathing room is viable. I seriously have my doubts we'll ever attain OMGWTF proportions from it. But whatever, that's besides the point here, as there is really no point at all having a super tiny microscopic motherboard if there is not a reliable way of running games from something other than a full sized DVD. As has been stated, USB loading pretty much is spotty and on top of that its a pain in the ass (arranging flax on the drive correctly, patching games, lots of *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing around, etc.) I know because I've been testing it and the results are subpar IMO.
IDE pinout you say? Nope, sorry charlie. On all the newest revision PS2 Slim Mobo's the main processor chips were all combined (the Emotion Engine, Graphics Synthesizer, and the RDRAM in the case of the 79001) and some other chips on previous boards revised/eliminated. So yea, no IDE for any of the newer super small PS2 motherboards. Sorry.
What are all us sorry chaps stuck with then you ask? Well, full sized DVD's of course. Which honestly is fine with me. I'd rather have a semi largish portable than have to spend hours *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing around to get a game only working half assedly in the end, or not at all for that matter.
So, I moved on and I started testing power consumption/voltages. Here's what I've got so far on that. My PS2 Slim SCPH-79001 will run on as low as 6.5v but there is one catch to that, at anything below roughly 7.2 volts the PS2 will no longer read (high quality, burned at a slow speed) backup media. It will however read originals just fine. whether its good for the laser or not to run at that voltage? I dunno. Its safe to say, we should probably keep things at about 7.5v-8.5v
@ 8.5v I clocked the power consumption at 1.1-1.2 amps with it going up to 1.2-1.3 amps @ 7.5v. That was while running a game through the standard DVD drive. So yea, definitely more power friendly than the GC.
That's all I've got for now. I'll be ordering a few more MB's and chopping them up a bit. How legit you think this place could be? ... ts_id=1001