portable N64


Ok, i'm completely new to modding, and the forums. id like some advise on how to make a portable n64 and possibly even a portable multi-system. i have all the major part like the N64 and PS1 screen, as well as access to almost all the required tools.(minus the gamebit driver) i have some ideas for how the wiring will go and have done a bit of research on the stuff. if you have some time and a few ideas or suggestions, please, tell me, i'm for the most part a complete newb at this (not saying i wont know what your talking about).
You really haven't given us much to give you advice on. My advice is to read every sticky and every worklog. Twice.
It's a good idea to repeat someone's joke, but just make it MORE ridiculous. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT MORE NUMBERS EQUALS MORE FUNNY.

Resize your avatar HAHAHAHAHA. It stretches the tables HAHAHAHAHAHA.

The stickies should be the first place you should go.
This guide by XCVG covers most of everything: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=1622

Also, I might get some flak for this, but Bacteria has some very detailed guides here: http://moddedbybacteria.wordpress.com/r ... n64-guide/

As well as on youtube, which I found very helpful: http://www.youtube.com/user/MODDEDbyBACTERIA

PS, for the youtube vids, you'll need to go through all his crap and pick out the n64 guide, which has about 10 parts I think. (You dont need all 10 parts, but having them cut into specific sections is helpful if you need help on a specific part of making the portable) If you need any more help, just ask specific questions here and someone will be happy to help I'm sure. Good luck!
Find electronic devices that just stopped working all of a sudden and try to fix them, even though you have no idea why they stopped working. You'll be doing a lot of that when messing with the n64.
oh yeah, uuummm believe it or not the advise you guys had gave me helped so much that in about 2 or 3 more days i'll have a final, working design with the LOB64's multi player Ethernet port and what not. it will, at the moment at least, fit into a 5 by 8 1/2 by 1 1/4in case. also, due to the packed design, i'll need a very effective way of cooling it, im thinking about using a forced air cooling system, and i've herd that the N64 motherboard can get up to 147F with out a heat sink. lastly, for the life of me a cant find were to get a 7.4v 4Ah li-ion battery thats not going to cost me a fortune. any suggestions?
gamefreak13 said:
oh yeah, uuummm believe it or not the advise you guys had gave me helped so much that in about 2 or 3 more days i'll have a final, working design with the LOB64's multi player Ethernet port and what not. it will, at the moment at least, fit into a 5 by 8 1/2 by 1 1/4in case. also, due to the packed design, i'll need a very effective way of cooling it, im thinking about using a forced air cooling system, and i've herd that the N64 motherboard can get up to 147F with out a heat sink. lastly, for the life of me a cant find were to get a 7.4v 4Ah li-ion battery thats not going to cost me a fortune. any suggestions?
I got a 20 dollar 4500 mAH battery for 20 at espow.ca, but you can get really good deals at batteryspace.
Did you mean to say 8 1/2" by 11 1/4"? If so,, thats a huge case

Edit: sorry, reread it
Metalcookie wrote
Find electronic devices that just stopped working all of a sudden and try to fix them, even though you have no idea why they stopped working. You'll be doing a lot of that when messing with the n64.
yeah, unfortunately, your right, why unfortunately, because, usually whenever i do that, its just a bad excuse to see how it works and i usually end up breaking it.
oh, and heres some pics of my N64p progress.
gamefreak13 said:
Metalcookie wrote
Find electronic devices that just stopped working all of a sudden and try to fix them, even though you have no idea why they stopped working. You'll be doing a lot of that when messing with the n64.
yeah, unfortunately, your right, why unfortunately, because, usually whenever i do that, its just a bad excuse to see how it works and i usually end up breaking it.
oh, and heres some pics of my N64p progress.



Screw it i did it for you
Ok, so I've decided to build a multi system instead of just an N64p. from what i know only one currently exists, it was built by Bacteria i think.
Mine will have the same shape and dimensions as seen in those photos that Bush ever so kindly helped post because i'm such a newb, the mother board will just be swappable through the use of an HDMI port or two. onto some important questions, first does any one know the power requirements of the Dreamcast, i cant seem to find the #s anywhere on the web. 2nd, i would like to know if its possible to use an sd card as a memory card for consoles like the Dreamast, PS2 slim line, N64, and/or GameCube all at the same time. 3rd, is it possible to increase the total ram in an N64 past 8MB, or increase its 3D graphics capabilities or overall processing capabilities? 4th, is it possible to run Linux on an N64 and/or GameCube? 5th, is it possible to have one disk drive shared between a PS2 slim line, a GameCube, and a Dreamcast? 6th, is it possible to have a single controller for the Dreamcast, Gamecube, N64, and PS2 slim line?

P.S. Nice multisystem Bacteria! :awesome:
ok, i just now realized that since im now planing to build a multi system, my topic doesn't exactly fit under N64 anymore. anyone have ANY idea where this topic belongs now? :?
Hey, bush, I noticed you said something about get flak for telling me about bacteria's guides, I've actually read them before I even join modretro I think, and they were pretty dang good. And so this raises the question, as dumb as it might seem to you guys, why would you get flak for saying that? Did Bacteria say or do something to tic alot of modretro members off or something like that, I'm pretty sure this is something I need to know. :?
Hhhmmm, it seems like I've got quite a few questions to ask today. :dah: