Portable N64 worklog, unnamed, worlds smallest.

I REMEMBER THOSE! That's what we should bring to mgc, one of those machines to print coins with your choice of faces. Maybe palmer, ben, ss, mario, marshall, trition, jlee, robm, and all those guys!
That'd be pretty neat. But I don't see how we would be able to make a press-mold easily. They have to be harder than the coins we are pressing. I think it'd be easier to make molds that we pour melted metal into.

Hey, Palmer, give us some updates and get this portable train back on track! :)
I have some experience in creating dies and minting coins.
I also have experience in carving soap stone molds for casting pewter.

I won't do it, that's a silly idea.
How bout rout the faces into to wood molds then melt some plastic (like in vacuum forming) then press them together on each side. The coins are only plastic but a lot easier then making zinc ones.