Portable N64 worklog, unnamed, worlds smallest.

PalmerTech said:
DK  said:
Where's the start button?

Not put in yet, but it will be between the dpad and C buttons. Speaker hole will be above that, or maybe stereo on the back, not sure yet.

put the start button in the middle of the control area and have it be a tall tact switch with the button spraypainted red. (like hr's geni-mini volume/ brightness controls.

This is how I was gonna do all the buttons on my micro64.
May not be the smallest anymore :awesome:


Shockslayer's, not mine :cry4:
So how exactly do you plan to get the n64 board shorter? Isn't SS the shortest it could possibly be?
maybe he needed room for batteries, controller and stuff that palmer is placing more strategically. Or palmer's will run for about 10 minutes at a full charge.
mako321 said:
maybe he needed room for batteries, controller and stuff that palmer is placing more strategically. Or palmer's will run for about 10 minutes at a full charge.
no, i seem to recall something about 2000Mah batteries. also, palmer is using a remake controller with a much smaller pcb, afaik. he might be using a smaller screen, as well. :wink:
While I respect the fact everyone wants as small a portable as possible, saying you have the smallest N64 portable means nothing really.

I mean I can build one with retrocon buttons/sticks, tact switches for start/z/etc and have a 2.5" screen and a battery that last 1 hour and get it tiny. But it would be a vastly inferior N64 portable than one with batteries that last 3-4 hours, regular buttons/sticks, a 5" Psone screen and good triggers.

Small means nothing if there are too many sacrifices.

That being said I hope this turns out wonderful because it is looking good and coming along nicely. :)
I don't think we're competing for the smallest anymore. I've been designing one as small as I can get it (still quality of course) Simply for the fact of it being smaller. I forget who had it in their sig but it was a quote that said a portable can fit in your pocket, if it doesn't fit in your pocket then it's a luggable. I would prefer the portable. That's why the new one I'm working on isn't smaller then the x64 lite just to be the smallest, I decided it's small enough and can still be a quality portable.

Oh course we all still have egos and having the smallest is still a little fun. :rofl:
hailrazer said:
While I respect the fact everyone wants as small a portable as possible, saying you have the smallest N64 portable means nothing really.

I mean I can build one with retrocon buttons/sticks, tact switches for start/z/etc and have a 2.5" screen and a battery that last 1 hour and get it tiny. But it would be a vastly inferior N64 portable than one with batteries that last 3-4 hours, regular buttons/sticks, a 5" Psone screen and good triggers.

Small means nothing if there are too many sacrifices.

That being said I hope this turns out wonderful because it is looking good and coming along nicely. :)
an interesting point. smaller is better to an extent, i must agree. however, saying any portable is superior to another is an inherent falsity, as they are all different, or can at least be categorized. for some people, a tiny one with flax controls and crappy battery life is fine. for others, one such as your darth 64 is better. it simply depends on the situation. also, making a small one can be a great bit more difficult than making a i one, and thus is more of an achievement. :wink:
Ya. What Sam said. My genesis is going to be about the size of a DMG. However, I ain't sacrificing anything! I is including a 3.5" screen, a full six-button controller, and (hopefully) a 6 hour battery life. If I'm lucky, I might even do RGB! :mrgreen:

That said, I will always try to make my portables the smallest possible, without giving up any extra goodies. That means all six buttons in my Gennyp, an expansion pak and memory pak in my N64p, and difficulty switches on my Atarip! I would hate to lose out on some good classics just because I opted to have it fit in my pocket. However, I don't want to lug around anything larger than a ZN-45. (Unless it's a gamecube. :3 )
@bentomo: I will have to ask SS again, but I believe he did not even need to RCP wire it to fit in that case.

@Mako/Sam: Currently, I can easily fit in a 2600mah li-po 7.4v li-po pack. And I am using a screen of the same size, but I am using a very nice small clone controller.

@Hail: I am leaving nothing out on this one, I know what you mean about making compromises. It has the dpad, RAM pack, and all those goodies. My goal here is not to make the smallest technical one I can make, it is to make it look nice, feel nice, and have all the features I want. But I am not gonna go and put a bunch of wasted space if I can help it, I want to cram it into as small of a case as possible.

It is still fun to be able to brag, though. :lol:

@zeturi: Ima use my camera to take some pics of my GenP I am working on. You will flax bricks! ;)
bentomo said:
PalmerTech said:
@bentomo: I will have to ask SS again, but I believe he did not even need to RCP wire it to fit in that case.

The bottom portion seems wide enough.

I wired straight to the cart slot on that one, I cut it all the way down to the top row of contacts though. :awesome:

The thing is, though, the only reason I could turn it on it's side is because I cut it down all the way. TECHNICALLY, if you rewired some 6-7 traces from the chip all the way to the right(that's facing the board head on) you could get it smaller, I don't remember, it's been so long since I've tasted an n64 board. :cry4:

Yes, that N64 died, but it was fully functional for my trip. Died when I got home and decided to swap the audio amp.

The 2 reasons why it's so wide is because I wanted the cart to not be visible on the sides, but the real reason is because that's where the batteries were, on the sides of the n64 board. I could've fitted them on the back if I wanted to, but the case wasn't up to par with my skills so I had to put them on the sides. Hella tight fit. Polycase gave me the shaft, but it wasn't custom so, whatevs.

Anyways, Palmer discussed all about this portable with me a long time ago, so I know it's possible and going to turn out. Once he gets in there though, he's going to remember why super small portable-izing is only easy and fun when you are designing. ;)

SS is right you can make it smaller than his by rewiring connections on the left side, but is only partially right. There are 13 connections that you'd have to rewire, and it would be even harder than RCP wiring (theoretically). but, at the most that's 1/4 inch at the most. SS and I had a discussion about those 13 connections once.

I'm glad I keep an n64 mobo on my computer desk :P
If you rewire the 13 connections, and the ones on the bottom in front of the expansion slot, and rcp wire, and succeed at doing whatever the Heck it was that bacteria attempted on the n64 cube, you could make it way shorter.
Just don't post it on BenHeck, because if you do it virtually guarantees that Engadget and all the others won't link here.
XCVG said:
Just don't post it on BenHeck, because if you do it virtually guarantees that Engadget and all the others won't link here.

Naw, they just link the first tipped link. I would only need to wait a day or so. ;)