Pokemon ModRetro Edition (Beta 1.1)

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I don't know about you guys, but after actually playing it, I feel there isn't enough MR. Someone pitch me ideas on how to make it less pokemon and more modretro. :P
You throw portables at pokemon?
You can fight benheck?
And can you add a guy near the beginning who says "Hey check out my CNC Machine! It can cut paper, plastic a pizza..........No laugh huh?"

Its a joke ben said in his earliest of videos and no one in the audience laughed, my friend and I quote it all the time
I must get a link to this, I've often told myself the first thing I'm going to do when I get a cnc machine is CNC myself a milkshake.

MR doesn't revolve around the admins (For the most part) it revolves around the community. Having SS this or Palmer that is all too much admin. We need room for other members too. Also, Nterror, after thinking about it, because you requested to be champion first, SS won't be the champ. You can be. I still have your trainer data, so yeah. Heck, if it even means that much to you, you can be the rival. It's up to you, just let me know.
See I completely agree with the whole community thing, but imo a role as big as the champion/rival should go to someone who's been around since near the beginning and is well known (no offense intended toward Nterror ofc, he's on the chat all the time and is a really cool dude). Plus, everyone knows SS and Palmer are not only manlovers, but also have a friendly rivalry going at times, so I think SS should stay on as the rival. Oh, and if this is all about what happened in that other thread, I'd just chill out for a bit if I was you. Its the internet, and you need to take things day by day on here or you'll end up being bitter against everyone eventually. If its not related to that, then nevermind. :P
Nope, I was looking through all the requested stuff and saw Nterror requested to be the champion 3-4 days before SS requested to be the rival. SS can choose how he wants to act, and yes it will affect how I think of him. However, I wasn't going to be butthurt about it and exclude him from the game, since he does play a big role here. I just wanted to make sure it was still okay with Nterror. :P
That doesn't make any sense. Nterror requested to be Lance, Lance is the champion in Gold, Silver and Crystal, but he is the trainer right before the Champion in Red, Blue and Yellow(and as I've been told the game is based on Fire Red.) So yeah, I got champion first, plus I was the champion in the chat discussions before the thread even existed. Get your Pokemon facts straight. :stare:

Nterror is totally cool, and he automatically gets a thousand points extra with me because any fan of LoZ: LA is a bro to me, but at the same time I am the co-founder of ModRetro, and the GodDang ShockSlayer, ask anyone, I'm the champ. :P

And for Palmer to be the hero and for me not to be the rival makes literally absolutely no sense, you are killing a large part of the whole "ModRetro" appeal there. Plus, saying that you need more room for other people is ridiculous considering that like, there are 8 gyms, many trainers within a few of those gyms, and even more trainers outside of the gyms on routes and in caves, plus there are quite a few non-trainer supporting roles too. More than enough space for all active members.

I'm fairly aware that this is you trying to stir a negative reaction out of me for calling you out, but you won't get what you want. I can't force you to do anything, but I can tell you what'll end up happening to you if you keep silliness like this up.

SS and the Saloon
Well then I'm sorry. There must have been some kind of misunderstanding between Nterror and I. We talked for hours in chat on this, and somehow go to him being champion. It was still before you requested to be Gary. Plus, this is a short game, meaning there aren't 20 houses in each town with NPCs. I've seen more than 10 requests about you or palmer being a pokemon, trainer, etc.

ShockSlayer said:
I'm fairly aware that this is you trying to stir a negative reaction out of me for calling you out, but you won't get what you want. I can't force you to do anything, but I can tell you what'll end up happening to you if you keep silliness like this up.
You might be an admin, but this is my rom hack, completely made by me. I wanted to make sure it was cool with Nterror with you being champion, since he DID ask first. If I was really trying to "stir a negative reaction", then trust me. You'd be out of the game by now.
So.........Anything on my "Hey check out my CNC Machine! It can cut paper, plastic, a pizza..........No laugh huh?"
Just wondering, its monopolyy's request from over on benheck too
I'll put it in 1.2. Where do you want the NPC? Do you want it to be a trainer? Or do you want it to be a random script that walks up to you?
Just some random dude in a town that you can talk to. Preferable an older blond dude seeing as its Benjamin himself.

But if you want to be superspecific (Even though what I just mentioned would make me and mono 100% happy, this would be just for accuracy) you could have it in a house. 2 guys in front of a bench. One older blond dude, and a younger brown hair dude. Blondie says the paper pastic bit. The brown hair dude is just speechless (All he says is ......). And the few people in the audience are all like "Was that really a joke?"

-But like I said the first one would be more then enough, and the second is just crazy accurate. And im not hating on Ben, he is like an idol of mine.
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