Pokemon ModRetro Edition (Beta 1.1)

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(Somewhere deep inside WOSHIP Cave...)

ShockSlayer said:
Aww yea, scripted ShockSlayer battles. I wouldn't mind writing all my own words, just tell me how many chars. or whatever and I can do it. :3

Post your text, and it will be in the next update. Also, if you want, you can make 2 different responses, one for Sam, and one for Palmer.
Noah7 said:
ShockSlayer said:
Aww yea, scripted ShockSlayer battles. I wouldn't mind writing all my own words, just tell me how many chars. or whatever and I can do it. :3

Post your text, and it will be in the next update. Also, if you want, you can make 2 different responses, one for Sam, and one for Palmer.


SS to Palmer before battle said:
Palmer! What the Heck, man?
Seriously? You and Tchay?


Fine, you wanna be that way?
When I'm done with you,

your luscious, firm body is
gonna be the deadest trinity

anyone's ever seen!
No more tomorrow!


SS to Palmer after battle said:
Yeah, okay, fine, you
win this round. Just don't

forget who's really
running this place!

Straight into the ground!


SS to Samjc3 before battle said:
Sam! My beloved!
I'm glad that I ran into you!

Palmer cheated on me with
Tchay. So, uh. Hey sexy.

You and me and a nice cup
of Thursty? Of course, you

will have to beat me in a
battle first. If I win, we

get busy. If you win, a
nice cup of Thursty awaits!


SS to Samjc3 after battle said:
Okay, looks like you
win this battle. And

my heart~ I'll see
you later, then we'll

get that cup of
Thursty, I promise!

I'm working on an event, where you go back to when Bacteria was banned. Raizer is the black guy under the bridge that tries to stop you from entering MBB. Of course, he fails because he only has a level 1 magikarp, and then he falls off the bridge.

PalmerTech said:
Also, needs more Bacteria.
That enough? :P
Not sure where else to put Ben into the game though. I've already planned out the part Sony requested. Anyone have any ideas?
raizer04 said:
OH! i got one....you should make an event where you duplicate yourself in MBB spamming everywhere.

You know what would be even funnier? An event where a grown-ass man from MBB gets so upset at a few teenagers that he tries to destroy the work of hundreds of others that are totally unrelated!

We would have to specify which grown-ass man from MBB we are talking about somehow, though, there are several that fit the description.
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