Pokemon ModRetro Edition (Beta 1.1)

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Lance will always be champion of the Elite Four in my heart <3

I meant replacing Lance in the first place. He's the head of the Elite Four, which is still pretty awesome, and it wouldn't make sense for SS to be the rival and not the final boss ("champion") as well.
Noah7 said:
ShockSlayer said:
I'm fairly aware that this is you trying to stir a negative reaction out of me for calling you out, but you won't get what you want. I can't force you to do anything, but I can tell you what'll end up happening to you if you keep silliness like this up.
You might be an admin, but this is my rom hack, completely made by me. I wanted to make sure it was cool with Nterror with you being champion, since he DID ask first. If I was really trying to "stir a negative reaction", then trust me. You'd be out of the game by now.

Oh, no, don't misunderstand me, that wasn't a threat, I'm just telling you that you piss off a lot more people than you think you do.

I am of the mind SS should be my rival, but hey, your hack! :awesome: SS, you could always get the modding tools yourself and make an unauthorized "Manlove Edition". :wink:

Also, needs as many MR memes as possible.

"Our manlove is like no other"

"Rove the lang"


"You can't quite the internet"

"Well, that's the deadest Trinity I've ever seen."

"Palmertech's firm, luscious body"

Etc, etc. Unfortunately, you are probably not familiar with the origins of a lot of those. :P Also, needs more Ben and Bacteria.
Actually, for those of you who played the beta, you know in Modshire there is a Modretro building. Anyone who didn't request to be in the game will reside there. Also, there will be some kind of flashback event, including bacteria being banished to the bac cave. :dah:
SS will remain the rival, and I can do some scripting to make it so as long as you are palmer, he always says something to do with their love.
OMG Instead of riding a bike you ride a badly pixelated my little pony (forgive the fact that it may be the wrong name, but I know the whole idea around it)
I could, but certain members don't like ponies. I don't want to make it Pokemon: MLP, but I could make another rom hack... :pony:
I love ponies as much as the next guy, but they are not what defines MR. :P I mean, for a while, TONS of people had Phoenix Wright based avatars.

I would play Pokemon: MLP. :pony:
Actually, I just stuck you in the basement of a house in Modshire. :dah:
It will be too late to request when I'm done with the full game. :P
What/where do you want to be?
If it isn't to much trouble i would also like to be in the game anybody is fine just make me a redhead guy that come outta nowhere or something. thanks :)
A random dude that walks up to you and goes "HEY want to buy new motorolla phones this chritmas season? Iphones $200, Android: $300"
You know, the modretro and benheck spammers we get from time to time
Sonyportableizer said:
A random dude that walks up to you and goes "HEY want to buy new motorolla phones this chritmas season? Iphones $200, Android: $300"
You know, the modretro and benheck spammers we get from time to time
in that case it should be UGG BOOTS.
I want to be a pokemon! *Can'tSayThisOnTV* YEAH! Put me in in place of the rattata or something. My basic moves can be iron slash (cutting effect), QUAD drop (drops huge-ass *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing portable on opponent, like a brick), and system 32 (deletes opponent's system 32, weakens reaction time).
Could I be a door to door fork saleman? Stay away from spoons, they're just useless little bowls on sticks, not even worth catching. The real masters use forks. Why have one spear when you can have 4!?
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