Planning something, Help with Pustom 2.5" screen.


SS's Preferred Refreshment
Hey guys, I'm about to start a new project, and I was wondering how the Pustom screen looks.

I just need to know whether or not the N64 looks fine on the screen.

So if anyone whose used one can tell me I'd really appreciate it.



EDIT: Also, need to know if they Accept RGB
Joeyjoe9876 said:
don't even bother.

If you knew what I was planning you'd understand, I'm just asking someone whos used the screen to tell me if it works fine, with no scrolling lines, display errors, or anything of the like.
2.5" LCD == nearly 4 inch focus.
As in, it'd have to be 4 inches from your face for you to focus on it.

As in, you'd need it hanging off your head, 4 inches in front of your face.
That's a LOT.

So no, it ain't that.
A projector?
With a tiny little screen with that horrible of a Resolution?

Yes, that's exactly what he's making, I'm certain of it.
None of you are correct, You'll just have to wait "Distasteful Homosexuals". :awesome:

Oh and, would anyone happen to know the draw of these lil things? :lol: