PayPal Help


Active Member
So paypal sucks so much, as we all know.
But months ago mine was jacked in a major computer hacking I got, and against my efforts I still havent reclaimed it (Its been months now).
I tried doing the cell phone technique (where they send you a code to recliam your account) and it doesnt work, and I tried contacting them but still to no avail.

Any Tips? (Its kinda important I get it back, because my bank account is linked to it-But no money has been taken out of my bank thankfully)
Zero and Palmer both had their accounts *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed also, by only Paypal's incompetence. Don't think it'll be easy for you to get help, sadly.
speak to someone on the phone.

heres how:

call some cust support number on paypals site.

then keep repeating "customer support" and eventually the robot will get the idea.

The people I've talked to on Paypal have been really helpful and nice.