oh no, I'm scared... (phobias)

OMFGCAPSism- Discrimination towards OMFGCAPS. (see below for the religion)
OMFGCAPSology- A religion built around OMFGCAPS. Often mistakenly referred to as OMFGCAPSism.
Zero said:
grossaffe said:
my friend is afraid of balloons.
:laugh: he's not NEARLY that bad. He just doesn't like the thought that if he's holding one then he'll let go and it'll fly away. When he bought a new house and we had a house-warming party, we tied a balloon to his door in such a way that when he opened the door, the balloon would fly away :awesome:
I'm scared of being alone in a dark house. (Actually because when I was young my mom left me alone in a house for what my grandma says to be 2-3 days, but that's a story for another time.)

I'm also scared of most insects, dead or alive, I'm scared of rats and snakes unless they're tame or something and I'm afraid of needles and sharp things in general.