In regards to this forum and

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Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Okay, lets get the record straight about all this:

The mod/admins over there know we exist. That's all there is too it. Spongebuell PM'd me, confirming that. He really doesn't have a problem with it, and says neither do any of the other mods. Now, their thoughts and opinions are their own, and we are to going to respect that. And whether we agree or not, we are STILL going to respect that. What do I mean by that? Simple. Don't complain about the benheck forums here, it does NOT make us as a community look any better. I also feel that you shouldn't complain about it over there, but, that's out of my jurisdiction. But I can say this much, any topics designed specifically to promote hate or discontent will be locked upon sight, and warnings will be issued. This is covered in the rules, check the second one.

One other thing to address, no one needs to fear being banned on the other site for being a member here unless you were previously banned.

That said, we also don't want people to think they need to live in fear for being on modretro, which seems to be the case. People can have a link to the place in their sig over here[benheck] for all I care. If you guys want to have your own club, by all means go ahead. Say what you want about me or the other mods, even, as long as it isn't libelous or harassing or anything ("hey guys, I hear Spongey is a sex offender" or something like that). Like I said to Palmer, you can even make a hidden forum for that purpose for all I care.

Oh, and to further enforce that:

bicostp said:
The last thing we want to do is start a civil war between portablizers.
Therefore, I am going to make the forums public again, as they were before. Also, to anyone who says this is just a clone of benheck, consider this: why re-invent the wheel? Just improve it!

And that's the exact purpose of this site.
this is quite relaxing, although i am very curious as to how they found out. :?

Dang! you are really logical, and smart and understanding and wise. ;)
I agree entirely.

They also have to know that while what we like to do is awfully specialized, there are an awful lot of people interested in it - which is fine, but can you imagine if there was only one forum dedicated to PS2 modding? It would be an awful mess. Having this "spin-off" is a necessary step in the growth process of what we do here, and they have to see the necessity of that. If everything was kept on one forum, it would simply get too large, as BH was getting to be anyway.
ShockSlayer said:
One other thing to address, no one needs to fear being banned on the other site for being a member here unless you were previously banned.


You will get no special treatment either way (an instant ban, rule exemption, or anything in between) just because you're a member, mod, or admin here. The rules still apply the same to everyone.

I hope you guys will give us the same courtesy. If so, fantastic. If you choose to ban us just because we're members, mods, or admins on BH, I'll be very disappointed with you, but we still won't ban you out of spite. The last thing we want to do is start a civil war between portablizers. ;)
For the record

I'm the one with the strong case of paranoia fear of getting the Banned at Benheck because of joining here.

It's the main reason it took me so long to finally join here.
For the record: Accidentally, one of us deleted a new member called "RetroSix" who registered yesterday. Was it Black Six? Was it someone else? No clue, but the action was accidental, so if retrosix is one of the members on benheck, I am really, really sorry.
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