I may be just a member that showed up in November, but I feel like there are some things that need to be said and I'm Dang sure there are some things that a number of people here need to hear.
I won't be saying names, but just read this and figure out if it applies to you.
Quite a few members on this site are just freaking immature. I understand the whole bacteria thing. I do. But for god's sake you don't follow him to other places just to flame him or troll him. You just don't. You don't just do stupid crap and lol about it later. Here are a few things that people said on DP:
And oh, look, our own hailrazer:
And you know what? These people are RIGHT. They are 100% indisputably RIGHT.
I am not here to call people stupid or idiots, even though some people are stupid idiots sometimes. You don't go around acting like 3rd graders and expect nothing to come of it or to laugh about it later. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU DO.
And I am going to reiterate that yeah, sure, people don't like bacteria. I have heard why and what happened, etc, etc, etc. But you know what?
The whole point = WHO CARES. Unless he comes back here or does something that insults you or makes ModRetro look awful (which, by the way, should be coming with this whole DP nonsense today!), you leave him alone or get along with him!
I may just be a member that joined in November, but I don't want anyone being FREAKING STUPID anymore in other places. You can have fun all you want here, but you don't go to other people's forums FOLLOWING PEOPLE just to troll or flame them!
That's all.
I won't be saying names, but just read this and figure out if it applies to you.
Quite a few members on this site are just freaking immature. I understand the whole bacteria thing. I do. But for god's sake you don't follow him to other places just to flame him or troll him. You just don't. You don't just do stupid crap and lol about it later. Here are a few things that people said on DP:
You're right, I haven't seen it. I don't know Bac personally, never met him, and have had minimal communication w/him here and on a few other boards.
I'm also didn't join a message board today with the specific intentions of bashing someone. And don't deny it, your post history exposed you already.
I spent a few years on the BenHeck forums, though I have pretty much no modding skills. I do know that the N64 is one of the more challenging units to mod (aside from the current gen stuff, of course) since they break if you even look at them funny (confirmed by several BH'ers and actually by Ben himself). And you can't discount the painstaking amount of sanding/bondo work that went into the handheld being discussed in this thread.
Also, quote from Bac:
I'm not trying to justify his price. If this is his first N64, of course it took him a long time to put together. Maybe his next one will only take half as long. Do you have any portables under your belt? If not, who are you to say how fast someone should be able to do this type of mod, or what they feel their time is worth? Awhile back Ben himself got aggravated with people requesting this-or-that and threw out some ridiculous numbers (I think $10K for a portable 360 or PS3) and nobody bashed him for it. Ever think that maybe Bac doesn't feel like making another one (remember THIS one isn't for sale) so he's posting a 'higher than usual' price, without caring whether or not anyone bites?
And why did this thread bring out a bunch of new users with <5 posts under their belts? i'm not checking anyone else's history (too lazy) but really? Do you and your pals have anything worthwhile to contribute here, or do you just get your rocks off by telling a person that someone else can do a better job? Or maybe there's some sort of vendetta here that should stay on BH instead of polluting DP also? If so, hopefully y'all aren't sticking around for long.
Oh, hi. Looks like you registered just to bash also? Sorry, don't know and don't care. You're just another 'visitor' from BH on a mission. Yawn.
I'm sorry I wasted my time here. Seeing that this thread went up only 24h ago and all three of you posted today within a 30-minute period, the intent is obvious. I'm actually kind of ashamed of my troll-detecting skills. I'm done here.
And oh, look, our own hailrazer:
You people are freakin pathetic immature punks.
Get a life and leave people alone.
And you know what? These people are RIGHT. They are 100% indisputably RIGHT.
I am not here to call people stupid or idiots, even though some people are stupid idiots sometimes. You don't go around acting like 3rd graders and expect nothing to come of it or to laugh about it later. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU DO.
And I am going to reiterate that yeah, sure, people don't like bacteria. I have heard why and what happened, etc, etc, etc. But you know what?
A 17 year old Male who joined MODDEDbyBACTERIA on March 27th, 2010
The whole point = WHO CARES. Unless he comes back here or does something that insults you or makes ModRetro look awful (which, by the way, should be coming with this whole DP nonsense today!), you leave him alone or get along with him!
I may just be a member that joined in November, but I don't want anyone being FREAKING STUPID anymore in other places. You can have fun all you want here, but you don't go to other people's forums FOLLOWING PEOPLE just to troll or flame them!
That's all.