Official Gamecube L/R Triggers Compatibility Thread

Game-Luigi's Mansion
Potentiometer- To controll the sucking and blowing power of the vacuum
Verdict- required
Without them the vacuum barely sucks up anything or blows anything
(I have a controller where the little potentiometer slider things broke off so i can't use them so it just goes to button press and doesn't slide the meter)
*Fixed(the colors)
Hackerbilly said:
Game- Luigi's Mansion
Potentiometer- To controll the sucking and blowing power of the vacuum
Without them the vacuum barely sucks up anything or blows anything
I thought that in Luigi's Mansion, if you pressed down all the way that that was it's most powerful suction. Oh well and could you colorize it, it looks better and helps sort it out.
Game: Need for Speed: Underground 2
Potentiometer: Controls the "intensity" of the brake and gas (like on Forza games for the Xbox360)
Button: Full pressed brake/gas

Verdict: Not necessarily required
EDIT: I've been thinking, if you could somehow make the button trigger a fully pressed resistor value to the resistor line, in other words, trick the GC into thinking the trigger is pressed all the way, THAT might work. Something for Ashen and Zenloc to look into I suppose. I personally will just keep the triggers in my portables.

Game: Metroid Prime 1 and 2
Potentiometer: Used for aiming, scanning, and zooming in/out on the map
Button: by themselves are useless. With the pot, they serve to lock aiming in a specific place or scan an item.
Verdict: Required

Game: Resident Evil (gamecube remake)
Potentiometer: R pot is for aiming, L pot does nothing (aside from zoom function for examining items)
Button: R button is for aiming, L button does nothing, zoom function will be disabled
Verdict: Not Required

Game: Resident Evil 4
Potentiometer: Does the exact same thing as button
Button: Used for aiming, pulling out knife, zooming in/out on map
Verdict: Not Required

Game: Beyond Good And Evil
Potentiometer: R for running, L for crouching
Button: Do not appear to do anything
Verdict: Required

Game: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Potentiometer: L pot for camera control, R pot for crouching
Button: Do not appear to do anything
Verdict: Required

Game: Need For Speed: Underground 2
Potentiometer: Used for acceleration and brakes
Button: Do not appear to do anything
Verdict: Required

Game: Pikmin
Potentiometer: Do not appear to do anything
Button: R button zooms in/out on character, L button re-angles camera
Verdict: Not Required
Game: Jimmy Neutron Attack of the Twonkes (I got the game from a friend. Nerdy,but fun)
Potentiometer: R, brings up inventor guide. L, centers camera.
Pad: Absolutely nothing.
Verdict: Not Required.