Nintendo Wii reaching 3 years on the market


No Stranger To Love
Well, happy 3rd birthday, Nintendo Wii.

Although many people despise you, you have brought Nintendo fame, and Nintendo is currently leading the 7th Generation video game market. Nintendo hasn't been in charge since the 4th Generation, and the Super Nintendo. The Wii's marketing strategy is close to perfect; video games that everyone can play, from 4 year olds to 80 year olds. Most hardcore gamers are not a fan of this strategy, however, as the shovelware and simulators outnumber the awesome hardcore games. But, the 1st party titles for the Wii are fantastic, including Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros Brawl, and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, along with great 3rd party titles like Boom Blox.

Although you are loved and hated my many, you still have impacted the video game market severely.

So yeah, discuss.
Personally, I hate the Wii. From a gaming standpoint, it's crap. It's full of shovelware and the whole active gaming thing is stupid. It has only a handful of good games (though I admit they are nearly killer apps) and the hardware is unbelievably outdated. From a business standpoint, however, it's pure gold.

However, I can sort of understand people who like the Wii, if only for the few killer games. Most people bought the 360 solely for Halo 3, after all.
I own one Wii game. ONE. And that game is Super Smash Bros Brawl.

It is a killer app, for sure.
but I thought you also had a usb loader :dah: don't worry, we all have the hbc.(at least I do)(but don't illegally play games ha)
XCVG said:
Personally, I hate the Wii. From a gaming standpoint, it's crap. It's full of shovelware and the whole active gaming thing is stupid. It has only a handful of good games (though I admit they are nearly killer apps) and the hardware is unbelievably outdated. From a business standpoint, however, it's pure gold.

However, I can sort of understand people who like the Wii, if only for the few killer games. Most people bought the 360 solely for Halo 3, after all.

I pretty much hate the Wii, except for the fact that it has pure gold Killer Apps, like Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
I have an idea. What if Nintendo made a game console for everyone, just to be popular? And in the 8th Generation market, they make a comeback! The Nintendo 256!

If Nintendo exited the hardware business, I would be very sad. However, that would give Sega the golden opportunity to enter the hardware business!
nintendo can suck my shlong! We need sega back. I just want to see a new sega console add, where they bash the other companies and end the commercial shout, "SEGA!"

come to think of it, I thnik I have a Nights into dreams saturn commercial recorded on a vhs tape somewere.
I don't think Sega is coming back. Compared to fifteen or even just ten years ago videogaming has declined. Look at how many platforms and companies there once was, now there's only three players- Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. The numbers are down from before. The console that sells the best is the one that is not even marketed to gamers. Consoles are getting more expensive and games are back up in price (they were much cheaper last generation IIRC). Maybe I'm just being gloomy or can't read numbers.

On the bright side, I think a new generation is coming. Judging by the drop in price, PS3 Slim, and age of the current consoles, I think there might be new ones in the works. We'll see how they turn out.
Game cost barely more than last generation. Games then were $50 for new releases, generally, and now that has been upped to $60 (Makes sense, they are using higher capacity disks).

Hard to complain when SuperSmashBros for N64 cost like $80. :eek:
I think the biggest difference isn't that games are initially more expensive, no, it's that they don't go down in price like before. Then again, my memory is a bit fuzzy. Like I said, I'm probably just being a downer.
Nintendo 64 games cost like $60 back in the day, didn't they? Didn't Playstation games cost about $40?
prices were interesting. brand new n64 games and such, cost between 60$ and 80$. ps1 games were usually, in my memory, around 20$. ps2 games, and gamecube, and xbox, started out at (usually) 49.99$, and then dropped to 20$ in a couple months. as for this generation, its always 60$, except for greatest hits titles, which drop to 40$. as for the wii, i think the games cost like 40$? ;)