new Wiikey Fusion 25$ and other GC stuff

i only have 1 or 2 more left but i wont be selling those yet until i have confirmed they will not be needed...
as for ordering more, i had thought about it, im undecided at this point..

if there is more interest, i could possibly order more to fill those needs but to set the best prices available i would have to order at least 25 or 50, and currently there does not seem to be very much more interest....

if anyone is still interested in ordering a WKF, please let me know and how many.
i can take "preorders" to fill a list of intent to purchase to determine if there is enough interest...
I'm interested in those one or two you still have. If you won't willing to sell those, then I'm interested in buy 2 WKF for the possibly new lot.
Rohan Loomis said:
I got mine!

oh flax, ive been really busy and forgot to tell you....

those extra cables i sent are damaged...dont use em
since you opted not to have the WKF pre-wired for GC, i had a feeling you would try to cut and solder your own FFC cable...those damage cables i sent are for you to practice your cable making technique before you accidentally destroy the small FFC cable that comes with the WKF...

good luck
Rohan Loomis said:
Question is the small one ok? also i see one big one that doesent seem to be damaged but thanks for letting me practice
the small cable is the one that comes with WKF, that one is new and ready for use
new batch of WKFs arrived today...
i will get with everyone shortly who is currently on the "pre-order" sign up list..
please await my PM to reply if still interested in purchasing...

also, i hope im also on the verge of breaking some very good WKF info...
initial testing shows greats results but im awaiting a second checker to confirm...if all is good, this could be a huge breakthru for WKF functionality / compatibility
:evil2: :evil2: :evil2: :evil2: :evil2: