New Steam Layout


ModRetro Legend
Anyone noticed it? I'm pretty indifferent to it. The default game list sucks, but the "list" mode is pretty good. I don't get why they renamed "My Games" to "Library" though.
You mean the layout I've been using for a month?

I like it, really, it's nice.

Oh, and I especially LOVE the fact that the in-game browser is now Webkit based, and no longer uses IE.
God the old one was so *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING horrible.
Yea, I've been using this for quite a while now. Its a huge improvement.
I love it, as well. Been using it for a month and a half or more. Seeing if any of my friends are playing whatever game I click on is super handy, and I love the artwork that shows up when you select a game, too.

Also, the Library list contains more than just your games -- it also gives you a list of the videos and tools you downloaded from Steam. The Games list is just what opens by default.

The web browser works pretty nicely, too, but I rarely use it in-game for more than a minute or two at a time, usually just to find a link I want to send to someone.
Well, I guess I'm the odd one out. I don't really like it. I mean, it's not "New YouTube" horrible, but it feels kind of awkward. I can't really put a finger on it but everything seems too big, or something. I'll probably get used to it over time.
Love it, Its Pretty awesome if you ask me.

I like how everything is a bit more organized.