New Nintendo Console Rumors

Sorry, but I think Nintendo has proven that at least Zelda and Metroid don't have to be "kiddy" and can fair pretty Dang well in a mature setting.
I didn't say they were kiddy i said those were more teen games because alot of people below the age of 38 like playing loz and smb
Ah, sorry if I misinterpreted your post, but in my defense, it was a bit hard to understand.
Hackerbilly said:
well what i think is actually that nintendo is finally starting to realize that they need to start making more "adult" rated games instead of those "kiddy" games. Games like mario,zelda,dk,ssb,ect in that category are more teen games games that you always remember
xbox is just making games that are once you beat em and play them online a couple of times you just stop playing them till the next game comes out unlike nintendo zelda and mario you replay thousands of times and not get bored
Ps3 same thing as xbox
how can they be finally starting to realize if they've been making these games since forever?
well alot of the wii games aren't selling as well as some x-box games
so they are starting to make more violent games and less nonviolent games
some wii games are terrible some are good but alot are sorta bad but they are starting to make better games more adult like and less kid like
and plus 360 sales are beating wii sales and so are ps3 due to the fact they break more easily than wiis
Hackerbilly said:
well alot of the wii games aren't selling as well as some x-box games
so they are starting to make more violent games and less nonviolent games
some wii games are terrible some are good but alot are sorta bad but they are starting to make better games more adult like and less kid like
and plus 360 sales are beating wii sales and so are ps3 due to the fact they break more easily than wiis
I don't see where that is true. Where is the influx of violent Nintendo games that they didn't have before?
well for the 3ds they are making more voilent games
and i am pretty sure actually 100% sure they will be making games like cod and halo for the new wii (project cafe)
Hackerbilly said:
well for the 3ds they are making more voilent games
and i am pretty sure actually 100% sure they will be making games like cod and halo for the new wii (project cafe)
You keep making claims, but you have yet to actually show support for these claims.
We have no proof of anything yet, other than the fact a console is being released. Also, use commas please; It's a little difficult to read your posts.
Bush said:
We have no proof of anything yet, other than the fact a console is being released. Also, use commas please; It's a little difficult to read your posts.
Since we're being grammar NAZIs, there's no need to capitalize "It's" as you did because you used a semicolon rather than a period. :awesome:
Whoops! By habit I typed as if it were one. I'm not trying to be a grammar Nazi though, just making a small suggestion. I'm not intending to imply I have perfect grammar. I know I do not. Just saying I had a bit of a hard time figuring out what he was saying.

Has anyone read the blurry writting in this picture.
It says Easy Portabilty from PC, Xbox 360
Anytime Live Update Past Release
Intergrated into the Framework.

Why would Nintendo's next system be portable to the Xbox 360 or the PC. This is the most fake thing I have ever seen.
Hifeno said:
Why would Nintendo's next system be portable to the Xbox 360 or the PC. This is the most fake thing I have ever seen.
FROM. easily portable FROM the xbox 360, meaning developers could take an Xbox 360 game and easily port it over to the Cafe/Stream