New Nintendo Console Rumors

They have stated multiple times that they will not be implementing 3d in their next console. Also, i was referring to the analog thumbstick, not a joystick.
If you want to get technical I think the Sega Saturn had a controller with an analog thumbstick (and analog triggers, for that matter) before the N64 even came out.
There are netbooks more powerful than the 360 and PS3, so that's not saying much. The original XBOX could play games at HD resolutions (720p on VERY FEW titles). No doubt this will go the same way as the Wii. Take a "revolutionary" (underpowered) console, slap some casual shovelware on it, and push it into the non-gamer market with clever marketing. Then make a crapton of money and laugh at companies trying to push decent consoles while the really hardcore gamers migrate back to PC. The guy who said that the motion controller had squandered potential hit the nail right on the head. There's a very good reason why the gamepad as implemented today became standard. It's not very good for some types of games, but is okay for the vast majority of them. Motion control is great for some games and absolutely terrible for a lot. I expect this console to go the same way as the Wii. If you aren't either a non-gamer, little kid, or hardcore Nintendo fan, why bother? I won't be buying it. Still, it is nice seeing that at least the next generation is finally on its way.

Tchay said:
Twilight Wolf said:
If they really wanna recapture the hardcore market they should drop the gimmicky bullflax with their controllers. ._.


although, to be devils advocate. The complicated stuff is what the "hardcore" audience is supposed to follow. Moms, dads, families want to just pick up the controller and play.

We hardcore gamers are supposed to the ones patient enough to figure out a controller. I remember first looking at a gamecube controller and thinking "How the Heck do you use this Dang thing." only I couldn't say "Dang" because I didn't believe in cussing at the time.

Perhaps we hardcore gamers are forgetting out place? And Nintendo is going to remind us. Just a thought.

Ah, yes, people are too stupid to figure out controllers or how to play games despite the vast improvement in tutorial technology. The sad part is that I'm not being sarcastic.
Bush said:
I wish you people would have more faith, the 3ds turned out great.
I think you mean, "The games ninty has released on every console prior to this are still good on the 3ds."

Personally I really dont care for the 3Ds. I tried one at best buy, and the 3D is a pain. SSIV was the same as every street fighter. The menu structure is weird. All the camera stuff and music stuff would never be used by me (and screams, "gimmick"). Not that I wouldve anyway, but I'll not be buying the new console unless they ditch everything they've stood for and make it a gaming PC with epic hardware (i7, 580 gtx sounds nice) at a better price than retail.
No, I meant I am very impressed with the entire system, its potential, upcoming games, and developer support.
Twilight Wolf said:
Correction: the Wii Remote was great. It had amazing potential until developers began to see that hey, when you slap motion control on anything, people will eat it up. What did that produce? A library consisting of 95% shovelware that nobody in their right mind would pay for. Same thing with the DS and touch control, unfortunately.

Nowadays the Wii Remote isn't even that impressive technologically when you compare it to something like the PS Move. Not that I'd buy one of those, either, but still...
All lead consoles are full of shovelware, it is completely unrelated. Systems like the Wii, DS, and PS2 have great games on them, you just have to dig through all the crap first. Its just the downside of being the most popular console in a generation. Oh, and the PS Move isn't all that great btw. Of course it'll outperform 5+ year old tech like the original Wiimote, but something newer like Wii Motion Plus fairs much much better against it.

bic said:
(But of course if it gets a Blu-Ray drive it won't play Blu-Ray movies, because that would mean licensing codecs and that costs money. Same deal with streaming services like Netflix and Amazon VOD.)
I agree, they most likely won't offer blu-ray movie playback (they never sell consoles at a loss, partly by cutting things like this), but the Wii already has Netflix and the 3DS is getting it soon with a major update. I see no reason why this would change on their next console.

As for analog thumb sticks, I'm pretty sure Bush was referring to the fact that although Nintendo wasn't the first (just like touch screens, motion controls, 3D, built-in 4 player,etc.), they did play a large role in making them popular. Unfortunately, although other companies are quick to add these things after Nintendo, Nintendo has always been more hesitant to add features made popular by their competitors.

XCVG said:
There are netbooks more powerful than the 360 and PS3, so that's not saying much. The original XBOX could play games at HD resolutions (720p on VERY FEW titles). No doubt this will go the same way as the Wii. Take a "revolutionary" (underpowered) console, slap some casual shovelware on it, and push it into the non-gamer market with clever marketing. Then make a crapton of money and laugh at companies trying to push decent consoles while the really hardcore gamers migrate back to PC. The guy who said that the motion controller had squandered potential hit the nail right on the head. There's a very good reason why the gamepad as implemented today became standard. It's not very good for some types of games, but is okay for the vast majority of them. Motion control is great for some games and absolutely terrible for a lot. I expect this console to go the same way as the Wii. If you aren't either a non-gamer, little kid, or hardcore Nintendo fan, why bother? I won't be buying it. Still, it is nice seeing that at least the next generation is finally on its way.
The original Xbox didn't play those titles in TRUE HD, so that's not entirely true. As for the shovelware, see what I said earlier, you can't blame Nintendo for that like it was their idea. You'd have to blame Sony for the PS2's shovelware too. And as much as I love PC gaming and how its been gaining ground and support again, it sounds really biased to say all the hardcore gamers are going to PC anyway. Even with the recent surge of PC support, a lot of "hardcore" gamers still use consoles, and it would take A LOT to change that. Besides, you can be a "hardcore" gamer on pretty much any console you want, its a subjective term. I'm also kinda hoping MS and Sony don't change plans because of this and push out their consoles sooner. This generation isn't like the last, and I'd really prefer if the 360/PS3 had a few more years without a successor. The Wii has needed one for a while now, but the 360/PS3 can still do fine for a bit longer.
just because a lot of flaxty games are made by lazy developers using motion controls, doesn't mean motion controls suck. They're great when used properly. And get this... the Wii still has the ability to use normal controllers. Full support of Gamecube and Classic controller. Any game developer that used a wiimote where a normal controller would have been ideal is to blame, and not nintendo. Adding more control options is a good thing, not a bad thign.
Skyone on BH said:
As always, the rumors will turn out to be very wrong. Personally, I gave up caring about platforms as long as I get to play the latest Mario/Smash/Donkey Kong in a reasonably controllable fashion. :)

This. Oh, and Zelda, of course.

The 3DS is going to be amazing once it gets hacked properly, and after it's gone through it's remake/port phase. Ninty does the same thing with all it's portable systems. All the really, really good games are coming out later, be excited for the prospects of a Smash game and perhaps Majora's mask.

I don't care how the hardware performs, what silly features are added, or what the price tag will be.

If Nintendo makes games for real Nintendo fans, I will buy it. I play Nintendo for the games, not for the "Features".

I mean, come on guys, the Wii is honestly no different than it's great great Grandfather, the NES.

Did Nintendo release great core games for the NES? Yes.
Did The NES have a flax ton of Shovelware, and crappy games? Yes.
Did the NES not also have "Innovative" Motion controls? along with other silly peripherals. *cough* Yes, yes it did. See: Power glove.

The NES still sold well, and now 25 1/2 years later it is still praised as one of the best consoles in video game history.
I think that 25 years from now the Wii will be looked back on as a major success, not only as a market success, but as a success to those core Nintendo fans.

So in turn, I think that whatever they decide to come out with next, as long as the continue to support it with hard-hitting first party titles, we(The core Nintendo Fans) will come to love it.

Just my 2 cents.
Thursty said:
Did the NES not also have "Innovative" Motion controls? along with other silly peripherals. *cough* Yes, yes it did. See: Power glove.
Not only was the Power Glove unpopular, but it wasn't developed by Nintendo either :P
grossaffe said:
just because a lot of flaxty games are made by lazy developers using motion controls, doesn't mean motion controls suck. They're great when used properly. And get this... the Wii still has the ability to use normal controllers. Full support of Gamecube and Classic controller. Any game developer that used a wiimote where a normal controller would have been ideal is to blame, and not nintendo. Adding more control options is a good thing, not a bad thign.

This. I'm hoping that if Nintendo does include a new controller again this time around, that they will include a wireless standard/classic controller in the box as well. This way there really is no excuse for developers. All of their target audience would already own both, so certain games can be designed specifically for the new controller to take advantage of the features it offers, while others can just use the standard controller and not have the new controllers tacked on just to increase the potential market. If I was Nintendo, I'd actually heavily encourage developers to support both whenever possible.
I'm fine with motion control and other crap, so long as it's not the only way to control the game. I'd like to be able to control the game normally, but then have motion control or something as an added bonus.
I'd just like to clarify that I never once said motion controls sucked. All I said is that any developer can slap motion control on any piece of flax software and it'll sell because of the motion control.
Maybe it's not the amount of shovelware but the lack of compelling titles for me. I know I'm in the minority, but Nintendo franchises like Zelda and Mario just don't appeal to me anymore. Sadly, I am becoming a CoDfag, enjoying the type of game generally considered for losers. Twilight Princess? *Can'tSayThisOnTV* that flax, I'ma go play some more CSS.

Still, however, I maintain that the Wii was a great console from a business standpoint and a not so great console from a gaming standpoint.
Nintendo has now officially announced that the next console will be released in the 2012 calendar year and that they will have a playable demo available at E3.
well what i think is actually that nintendo is finally starting to realize that they need to start making more "adult" rated games instead of those "kiddy" games. Games like mario,zelda,dk,ssb,ect in that category are more teen games games that you always remember
xbox is just making games that are once you beat em and play them online a couple of times you just stop playing them till the next game comes out unlike nintendo zelda and mario you replay thousands of times and not get bored
Ps3 same thing as xbox
but anyways here is a of Project Cafe(the new wii) being that it is confirmed to be real