N64 p started-stsstsfN64p!!!

Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

Correct, you could - however, the n64 has an onboard 5v regulator, and draws rather little current off the 12v line (which is bumped down to 5). 12v draw: Something like 150-250, I think. 3.3v line, something like 1000(with jumper) - 1500 (with expansion).
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

kylerock96 said:
So, since the N64 uses 5 volts and 3.3 volts, couldn't I use 2 pt8080's, one wired up for 3.3 volts, and one wired up to 5? That way, I wouldn't need to use a 7805, which, as you said, was terribly inefficient.

You'll need to amplify your sound more with your amp and it's not proven to work as there are some pins on the cart slot that take 12v.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

Every other person who has ever made a portable N64 in the history of portable-making has left it on, and they had no issues.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

These are good, although any small heatsink you might have will probably work. What you use isn't that important, as the N64 doesn't get that hot.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

Nice word-coining thar.

Those are 5mm thick. The difference between that and 2.5mm copper is minimal.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

Here is toasty saying it back in december:

And Beta (and later toasty) saying it in August:
http://www.forums.modretro.com/viewtopi ... 4&start=10

And Beta saying it in May:

I'm sure since it's such a simple connection lots of people have said it, probably a bunch too back when we first started talking about the idea.

In case anyone was wondering what the video was.

Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

That video is awesome. So, lets see. I have my controller almost wire up, other than the tacts. I have a new design for it, I will use ps2 l and r triggers, for l and z on one side, and R and Z on the other. I will probably use my dads engraver to write in the L, R, and Z. I did some case work, and like shockslayer's, My case broke in half. So, on that note, I will order more, the voltage regulator, and do casework with my other controller. 3 more things
1: Does anyone have a working mono audio amp with a digital potentiometer volume control?
2: What is the best way to relocate the expansion pack? I have seen sifuf's guide, but is this the easiest?
3: Should I include an LOB64 port?
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

lol my thread featured :awesome: .

besides this nonsense i was also wondering the practicality of the lob64 port. thread says its a must... but marios the only one ive ever seen use it
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

04tm34l3 said:
lol my thread featured :awesome: .

besides this nonsense i was also wondering the practicality of the lob64 port. thread says its a must... but marios the only one ive ever seen use it
It was a really good idea back in 2008/9.

Its pretty much forgotten now.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

somebody needs to invent like a online n64 thing, so we can get some online smash going here (without having to use crappy emulators [i also have peak skill with my 10 year old controller with flailing control stick])

even thou this is like when your 5 and you and your friend decide; "D00D L3TZ PUT R0CK3T B005t3R5 0N TH3 H0tWH33l5 4ND TH3N TH3Y W1LL G0 500000 F45T!!!!!!!!!!111!1!!1!" , ; ; ; ;, ;, ;, ;,,,,,,,

itd still be freakin ausome
Well, this project will have to be put on hold, unless someone would want to either buy something from my trade thread or donate money!