N64 p started-stsstsfN64p!!!

Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

Well thats :awesome:. Toast if you try it, tell us what happens.

- mymixed

EDIT: Wrote this post before you posted:
ToastBucket said:
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

I'll take your word but if you have pictures that would be :awesome:.

- mymixed

EDIT: Beta Posted before me! Thats two times on one page.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

I'm the one that discovered U8 Wiring. I kind of know what I'm talking about.

Just saying.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

I discovered the thread that Beta posted about him discovering U8 wiring. Therefore I kinda know that Beta kinda knows what he's talking about.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

Lol, you just tested it. I had that pinout before you even got there.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

I had already confirmed P1, and was too lazy for the rest. True story.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

SS makes the first ZN-45 gamecubes, and doesn't afraid of anything.
Re: N64 p started need help on a name!!!

Thanks, ummm, lets see, I am buying a screen from ebay, looking at the bid page right now,2.5 inches. I will probably use DSlite batteries unless someone can point me to some smaller/better ones.