N64 Battery Life Calculator

Dsv101, are you talking about the main domain? I'm sure he got the subdomain for free and it's just the domain as a whole that is poorly rated. I checked out the app. Fairly accurate, thanks for this. It will help when people provide more accurate values. Thanks again for this app.
Thats what i figured after researching it more, i didnt think he would want or be spreading a virus or anything. And yes, good app!
Now it says I should only be getting 1.5 hours on my QUAD 64 and 1.2 on my P64-L, which get 3.5+ and 3, respectively.
What values are you putting in to each? I guess the Expansion/Jumper Pak n64 draw values could be off, but shouldn't be that far off.
The part where you put in the battery draw, don't include the draw of the board. Only include the audio amp/screen in that line.

12V line of the n64 should be included in that - I couldn't remember exactly what value it was, so just include it - add like, 150mAh to whatever it was before, or something like that.
Upgrade Complete! Now the values you input stay in after the forum submission, so if you just want to change 1 thing you don't have to re-enter all the data. I also slightly modified the algorithm, so it may work better for those of you getting weird results before.
Just bumping this - trying to get better accuracy, has anybody tried this recently?
If you have a portable and would be willing to test this, I'd appreciate it - just tell me how much the calculator says you should get battery-life wise, and how much you actually get. Thanks!

Any other suggestion/comments/questions?