MyMixed & SonyQrio's Epic 3DS Analog Stick Guide

I thought these were basically the same as a PSP nub (analog stick)? Wouldn't it just be easier/cheaper/less complicated to use one of those? You can get them very cheap off ebay (chinese knockoffs). I have two already that I ended up not using for an earlier project. As far as I know, they work well as a replacement for just about any analog stick. Or are the 3DS ones somehow better, functionally?
Re: SonyQrio's Awesome 3DS Analog Nub Replacement Guide


SonyQrio said:
PSP joysticks are a piece of flux. 3DS analog sticks are as close as you can get to touching the hand of God.
Saying something is better without saying why it's better is not particularly helpful. What is different about them, specifically?
It is better....But the PSP ananlog is 1$.....
The 3DS is a god damned 13$.
Most of us aren't going to pay 12$ more for something that is somewhat better than the cheaper counterpart.
Not saying I won't get one because if this flax works....Ill get a million lol.
MyMixed & SonyQrio's Epic 3DS Analog Stick Guide

So that's what u were working on, huj
Ah, SS, that was hilarious. :D Good work. Maybe I'll get some 3DS sticks next month. Or at least mess with one on a display unit at Walmart to see if it's even worth bothering for me. I've never used a 3DS.

Edit: Me with the first post on yet another page of this thread? Oh, Heck, have an image to celebrate, then.


That video made my day!! :rofl:

Just a quick question SS you have the axis resistor going to ground I assume right. The original design required 3x 1k resistors do you only require 2? 1 on each axis?
I didn't even look at the, uh, "original design." I have 3022 Ohms on the X axis and 3525 Ohms on the Y, and nothing else.
