My ZN-40 Portendo 64 WIP (abandoned)

Your mom's gotta at least let you have weekends. I mean, if I actually had a social life on weekends, I'd give it up in a heartbeat if I could work on my electronics.

And yes, I though about my avatar floating in fire, but this was much more appropriate.
J.D said:
Why won't your mom let you work on it? Get bad grades or something?
4.0 gpa in 8th grade, FTW

I am trying to get into MIT, so I really need to bust my ass in high school, and putting all my focus on a hobby for the first month of freshman year would hardly help, especially during tennis season. ;)
I can probably still sneak in weekends, though. ;)
Are you planning on going straight to MIT? A good option I'm considering is to attend a community college to do all of my General Ed, then transferring to a university afterwards.
It always looks good to have two extra years of hard work when applying. Not to mention, bring in your polished n64p and they will have to accept you. :)
zeturi said:
Are you planning on going straight to MIT? A good option I'm considering is to attend a community college to do all of my General Ed, then transferring to a university afterwards.
It always looks good to have two extra years of hard work when applying. Not to mention, bring in your polished n64p and they will have to accept you. :)
I will try to go straight there, if they take me. I am planning on having at least 4 portables built by the time I leave high school, unless I turn into ShockSlayer.
Basement_Modder said:
I will try to go straight there, if they take me. I am planning on having at least 4 portables built by the time I leave high school, unless I turn into ShockSlayer.

Just do well on your ACTs and SATs, you'll be fine. I got good scores, was lazy and got decent grades (4.4 GPA), and a free ride to ASU.
neverused said:
Basement_Modder said:
I will try to go straight there, if they take me. I am planning on having at least 4 portables built by the time I leave high school, unless I turn into ShockSlayer.

Just do well on your ACTs and SATs, you'll be fine. I got good scores, was lazy and got decent grades (4.4 GPA), and a free ride to ASU.
There is no way MIT will let you in with less than straight A's. They practically say that on their website.
It almost impossible to get into mit unless your of a different race besides Caucasian, because big univertiy's such as those feel the need to diversify. If you have the exact grades as the asian they'll take him.
qerkdtx said:
It almost impossible to get into mit unless your of a different race besides Caucasian, because big univertiy's such as those feel the need to diversify. If you have the exact grades as the asian they'll take him.
Really? Almost all the pictures I see of campus feature nothing but white people. :neutral2:
I couldn't think of a better place to put this, so I'll put it here.

This is my project for next summer: A CNC built RCP wired N64p! (Currently dubbed "Palm64")

This is all I have so far, but I am currently working on taking measurements and making CAD drawings for case parts.

I also have a dilemma: where should L go??? I can't think of a good place to put it, and am going crazy!

Thats start under the screen, btw.

zeturi said:
I likes the case, I think you should do L by the Z button.
But then it throws off the symmetry! :gonk:
I think I'll just throw it on the back somewhere as an obvious afterthought.
eurddrue said:
I like it. It looks professional, and gp2x like.
Thats sort-of what I was going for.
βeta said:
Have double Z buttons. L and R on the top, Z and Z on the bottom, PS style.

Aw, I was about to say that! :gonk:

But yeah, either that or the switch.
Since most portables these days are over-crowded with switches and ports, I'd say that you should avoid adding more. It's complicated and not very professional.