My own Gamecube portable ---> pre-cube

Not complete... I need to solder the DD to the mainbiard and form the backside of the case... And some little modifications^^
But it should not take to long.
Keep at it, man. This is an incredible project and you an incredible modder. This being called the "pre-cube" only leaves me in anticipation of what your future projects will hold. :)
Got some really bad news guys...
The screen won't turn on any more... The sound is working, but there is no picture on the display. The last thing I made was to remove the anti-glare foil.
I really don't know what's going wrong with it...-.-
But I can't buy another screen at the moment... I am completely broke :wtf:
Would be nice if you guys have any solution for the screen prob.
I already did this... (there are only two fuses, are there?)
I will try my best tomorrow I think. And if this all does not work I'll have to wait till I get money for a new screen...-.-
Sorry guys. I would like to finish this... But Murphy isn't on my side :wtf:
Good evening modders...
I don't think that I will continue this project soon.
The case has changed to much in my eyes. This was some intensive work, and I learned a lot about it :wink:.
But I am frustrated by the screen... And bye the case and its painting... I think I have to renew the whole case :?.

I have some good ideas for the next project.
Time will tell us if my next project will be finished :neutral2:
Sorry for you guys. Thank you for your assistance :wink:.
I scrap my projects all the time. As long as you've learned something from the process, it's still worth it. Just means you'll make an even better portable than before! :)
Well, this was an amazing attempt my German friend; I hope to see what you will do next. At any rate, I assure you that you are a respected modder here and everyone is waiting in anticipation for your next project! I know how it feels to have a project ruined, my first attempt at making an N64p went downhill. But since then, I have learned many things and feel I am much more ready to work on these types of things. Good luck with your next project!
am I the only one to make notice that his screen stopped showing image after the anti glare mod? sounds like you ripped of the polarizer too. it's a common mistake for people to accidentally take that off too, thinking it's the anti glare sheet.
Can you tell me more about that polarizer? Do you have some pics? Would like to know if its really this foil that broke my screen...
There are almost enough tuts on ...
I'm not making a portable at the moment... otherwise I would show you step by step. But I have no time for this now =)
I can give you a good advice: You must know, what you want. It is much easier when you know how it should look when its finished. Make some scetches for example.
If the tuts on this site are not enough, then have a look at this site:
now you got me very interested in that vacuum molding...might look if its not freaking hard to make ;)
can you explain the vacuum frakencase a bit more detailed??? im looking into google atm...

thanks for your detailed worklog, and hope to see you making more portables here.