My gamecube portable worklog ()UP 5/12/2012 QUESTION!


Hello world!

As I was thrifting at , I found an awesome case for a of , so i decided to buy it. I haven't went to this site in awhile, but I have seen the progress in Gamecube portables. I pulled out mine from the closet, and promptly opened it up. After checking out the dimensions, it seems like a doable project for me.

GOALS:::::::::::::::::: (this will be updated whenever progress is made)
[DONE] Opened up gamecube
[] Trim gamecube
[] buy and set up wiikey for sd loading
[] get battery
[] make case
[?????] profit!


[type] Gamecube
[screen] 3.5 inch screen
::::::::::: two 3ds slider analog sticks


Here's the fist album on imgur.

The case is comfortable, and it has a lot of room for extra fun gimmicks, but that's what they all say at the beginning.

QUESTIONS::::::::::::::::::: (if you can help, please respond. It is greatly appreciated!)
[] does anybody know what my gamecube revision is? I have seen somewhere I need a rev C/3 for trimming, but i haven't seen it on the board anywhere.
[] I plan to be following one of the trimming guides on this site. I can trim first, before buying my wiikey, to ensure the gc works before i put any money down right? I don't need the wiikey from the start?
[] Any recommendations?
[] Case name, color style? Buttons will be standard layout.

Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) with a few questio

CURRENT UPDATE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Learned how to trim with a dremel. Proceeded to cut of grounded sides of gamecube motherboard. Currently rewiring memory card.
Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) with a few questio

your cube is probably a rev A due to the digital port on the back and you can trim down any rev mobo there are just different cuts. you'll want to go read the mega sticky and find ashen's definitive motherboard trimming guide
Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) with a few questio

Hey everyone!

I have started working on trimming the motherboard, and am currently relocating the memory card. When I rewired everything, the memory card is active, but it has an error saying "unable to use". I believe it has something to do with the sense wires. I don't really understand how to wire that up, or how they work. I tried following a couple traces, but some of them just a dead end.

Can anybody explain how it works? Thanks a ton!

PS: I have seen the SD gecko card adapter being thrown up in conversation. Is it just a homemade GC - SD adapter? I thought those were a commercial product.
Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) UP 4/24/2012

I wired to the spots in Ashen's guide. It shouldn't matter, I have already done continuity tests with my multimeter, and they all test positive.
Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) UP 4/24/2012

Which spots? The ones on the GPU, or the ones where you tore the port off?
Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) UP 4/24/2012


The relocation spot, so the logic chips.
Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) UP 4/24/2012

If you're not sure to understand, Play it dumb, wire everithing to the memorycard, every pin, even sense from the memcard to the sense on the cube. If it doesn't work then it must be your wiring or one of the two components.
Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) UP 4/24/2012

OK this is starting to get annoying :neutral2:

I have two Gamecube memory cards, one is black and one is white.

I was soldering the white one in, because It has more memory than the black. I soldered to the spots up front instead, and got the same error as before. I unhooked everything, and put the black one in the port itself(haven't taken off for testing). It works fine. Then I reassembled the white memory card in the case, and it works first try. I had to format it first though :cry: . Anywho, I power cycled it a couple times to test it, and then it died back to the first error. I know this chip is good, I didn't solder to anything bad, and It has been working for years.

I disconnected it and am calling it a day. Hopefully tomorrow I can get this thing solved.

Cool news for the casework! I had time to use my schools CNC today, and I made a little case out of wood. It works pretty well. I plan on getting plastic for the enclosure, but now i know i can CNC everything instead of sanding for hours on end :D

Here's a pic of the machine in action. The Gamecube logo turned out pretty nice.

Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) UP 4/25/2012

Sounds like the mem card is dead? Also I like that GC logo.
Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) UP 4/25/2012

If anybody has the same error I did, here is how you fix it.

Hopefully, grab another Gamecube or Wii in working condition. Re-Assemble the Memory card into its case, and keep power cycling while inserting the memory card. When it asks to format say yes. Hopefully it won't keep saying error formatting, but actually clears it. This is when you make sure to turn the system off safely, so no more data is corrupted. Then you should be fine and can re-solder the connections.

I got the chip wired up correctly. Saw my Custom Robo save. Calling it a day. I shall start trimming the memory card are tomorrow.

PS: How would one be able to check the version of the IPL chip in the gamecube? I noticed It can't be a 1.0 if I am using a wiikey. Also, If I want to use 3.3volts, what regulator do i need? The sticky talks about rasing the voltage instead, maybe I'm missing something.
Re: My gamecube portable worklog (unamed) UP 5/12/12

I just received my wiikey in the mail! It works fine on my wii. However, I have run into a problem.

My power board on the gamecube isn't working. Its making a tiny squeaking noise when I turn it on. I think it's one of the caps, but I am not certain.

Has anybody else ran into this problem? I plan to use the special regulators, but I wanted to wait until I wired up the wiikey to make sure everything is fine before I go out buying more things.

It seems my regulator is dead. I didn't do anything to it, but if i hear a sound then some electricity should be going through, not just a broken fuse. I will investiate further when I have the time.


I have been looking at the custom regulators, and I am a bit confused on how to wire the thing up, which I will need to do in case my original regulator is dead. Are there two regulators out there? I have been seeing things on 1.9v and 3.3v, and some being powered by 7.4v batteries. I am not really good with electrical engineering stuff (I am a programmer). Does anybody mind explaining them for me?

The two regulators (when wired correctly) step down your input voltage to the desired voltage.
Most people use the PTH08080 for the 3.3v line because the 3.3v line doesn't use more than 2A, the 1.9v line on the other hand requires a regulator that can spit out more amps so we use the PTR08100 (or in my case the PTH08T241).
both regulators require you to wire up a resistor to the required pins in order to control the output voltage.