My first n64 portable


Active Member is a work log for my n64 portable. Here ars some pics:
I have rewired the cart slot and put a screen on. On the broken n64 I have, I have practiced cutting off one end, as well as bending the board, whick I may do.
I did, but later. I'm currently making the case. I have the a,b, and c-pad buttons epoxied in. I have to smooth it, and drill the controller stick hole and put the d-pad in. I also have the screen hole cut.
I'll have to do it later. Sorry. I'm also getting new batteries and a new screen. And I need to move some wires out of the way so the n64 fits in the case.
Here are the pictures. The first one is of the case. I still need to drill the hole for the control stick as well as the charger, headphone jack, and power switch.

Here is the N64. It is connected to a controller which has a Gamecube analog stick on it.

I'll get the case done soon, and will get the batteries and screen within the next week or so.
Quick question- How can I make the hole for the Gamecube joystick? My hole is oval shaped after I cut it. I was also thinking of using the Gamecube analog stopper thing. Would that work?
thecasperrojas said:
if yo use a 220 grid sanding paper and wet sand it , it would then look amazing
Well if you started there and worked your way up to like 2000 then it would, yeah.
Well, I got the front of my case finished. Here's a picture:

I also tried to redo the cart slot. I know the 64 works. Am I using too thin wires?
They may be tad bit too long, but it looks fine to me. The soldering looks a bit sloppy, so I would look for shorts with a multimeter. Also, if you aren't using solid core wire, there may be a crack in a wire somewhere. You can also use a multimeter to check both sides of the same wire for continuity.
I was trimming the motherboard and accidentally broke a trace between two chips. I tried to repair it, and it doesn't work. I also folded the cart slot. Any help?