My blogging thread

zeturi said:
Yeah, as I said, only older victorian homes have basements in California. Otherwise, we're all SOL when the thing comes.

*Tornadoes rip through zeturi's home just as he submits his last post*

dude, its in the LA area, so i Belive only Palmer is dead. we live in San Jose, so, uhhh, we are all going to die if it travels 6 hours to get to here.
You didn't hear the tornado warning on the radio? At about 3:00 they announced that santa clara county and south san jose should stay away from their windows. Whatever, the only reason I even heard it was because I was in a car earlier.

Well, good thing there was no tornado, I would've massively shat myself the moment it hit.

EDIT: Heh heh, shat isn't in the word filter yet.
Tornadoes. Just one more natural disaster to convince people to avoid California.
I live in Astoria. Also, we get more rain in a day then California gets in like 3 years together. It rains in the Summer, Winter, Spring...and Fall.
PalmerTech said:
There have been some other ones, one of them tore up a Starbucks on Seal Beach mainstreet.

Glad to hear at least some good came from it.

It's been snowing a lot here in Reno for the past 24 hours. I like snow, but having to go into town sucks because I have to tread through lots of slush, and since I have no boots, my shoes get lots of water inside them. :/
I had crazy rain weather here, too.
But when I woke up this morning, it was snowing!
Get any snow there?