Modretro for mobile phones?


No Stranger To Love
Can we make a version of Modretro for mobile phones? I can't seem to get this site working properly using MEdia Net on my Samsung Impression.
We might make a mobile version, but it would be optimized for iphones and ipod touches. Not sure how your phone handles the web, but these forums should :work: fine, even if they render a bit odd.
Any way we could make a mobile version of chat? I tried it on my blackberry and it gets all goofy.
I can understand a mobile chat, but the whole forums mobile?! Come on, who could be THAT addicted that they have to have a full mobile version rather than just tolerating the normal browser? :wtf:
pLover said:
I can understand a mobile chat, but the whole forums mobile?! Come on, who could be THAT addicted that they have to have a full mobile version rather than just tolerating the normal browser? :wtf:
You're retarded.
I'm not retarded. I'm just not addicted to ModRetro. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Correction: I am retarded, but I'm not being retarded about this.
pLover said:
I'm not retarded. I'm just not addicted to ModRetro. :rolleyes:

How am I addicted from Modretro? All I want to be able to do is go on here from my phone. You don't need to be a blaring jackass about it.
J.D said:
How am I addicted from Modretro? All I want to be able to do is go on here from my phone. You don't need to be a blaring ISA about it.
All I'm saying is that you won't die if you just wait to get home to go on MR.

End of discussion.

pLover, I'm not addicted to MR, I just want to be able to get on it. Stop being an ass about it.
plover I go on mod retro all the time on my phone at school. I'm not addicted im just bored. XD
I get it. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have MR on mobile phones, but complaining about the way it is now is just silly. Be glad it's there in a semi-flaxty way, rather than just not there at all.

I would be happy to get MR on a mobile phone, yes, but it's not something to complain about not having.
Can we make a version of Modretro for mobile phones? I can't seem to get this site working properly using MEdia Net on my Samsung Impression.
How is that complaining?
pLover, you're not adding anything to this. If they want it, they want it. Don't be a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing ass. If I could kick you from a thread, I so would.