Modretro Chat 2013/2014: A Revival Initiative

Re: Modretro Chat 2013: A Revival Initiative

gnounc said:
I still say IRC is easier to idle in.
If modretro had an active irc channel the chatrooms would be full.
#qc currently has 38 members. and thats probably a low for its 15+ years of activity.

I dont use MR chat because its more difficult to browse the web and use the chat at the same time.

And because a webbrowser is a big memory leaking program that I dont want to leave open.
irc is perfect because you can idle, and someone can get your attention when you're not staring at the screen waiting for someone.

irc really brings a community closer together, and i wish MR would give it a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing try already.
I'm not going to idle a webchat, and I'm not going to frequent one thats always emtpy.
One thats full of idlers who may come back and read the backlog hours later at least presents the opportunity to occasionally run into the person you're looking for, and to run into a handful of people you arent. an irc channel full of idlers is miles better than a webchat with 2 people.

Hopefully that sways someone with more pull than me, because last time I sent out an open invitation like this, I hosted the irc channel myself, and not a single *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing person showed up.

I've always said we should use IRC, but the one time we did, people complained. At this point, I guess there isn't much to lose though.

Anyone else willing to give it a shot?
Re: Modretro Chat 2013: A Revival Initiative

I think I forgot why we didn't use IRC in the first place. Something about emotes or multimedia or something weird.

Even though all of those could be abstracted from IRC anyway.

I forget, but I'm a Heck of a lot more likely to lurk IRC than the current chat.
Re: Modretro Chat 2013: A Revival Initiative

People said it was too complicated, people liked our custom commands, and we had problems dealing with people impersonating others, even with registrations.

First one can be dealt with by embedding mibbit or some other web client on the site, second one is irrelevant now, and the last thing we can work around.
Re: Modretro Chat 2013: A Revival Initiative

but IRC=idlem@ster, I can easily just launch my IRC client on startup and have it sit there.

The only complicated part is changing from what we already know, more or less.

While not trivial, it's probably possible to transfer important account information from phpBB to IRC, making things smoother still.
Re: Modretro Chat 2013: A Revival Initiative

Yeah, AJAX might be easier, but it's useless if no one uses it.
Re: Modretro Chat 2013: A Revival Initiative

So, has anyone else noticed that it isn't 2013 anymore?
Re: Modretro Chat 2013: A Revival Initiative

like if your reading in 2014
finally checked back, to find the irc chan had come and gone.

Anyone familiar with irc bots?
If someone would host an irc ops bot to keep the channel open and maintain ops,
then i'll definitely show up to the irc room next im made aware of it. and stay there. like a bad fart.

freenode would be good because it has a nickserv server
oh nevermind. the channel is actually registered. just empty. bring it on in homies! the chat is up!

channel: #modretro
Yeah, I would prefer that a MR admin set everything up.

Zero, maybe something like the animebytes IRC system could work?
If one is already being used I can embed it.

What's the animebytes IRC system?
I reg'd it.

If you really want, I can probably transfer ownership if it makes people uncomfortable or whatever. Not that it would really make much difference. I doubt there would be much activity anyways.
I don't have a problem with you owning it personally. You know, as long as people don't start yelling "ADMIN ABOOOOSE!"