Mod Retro: The Video Game

bentomo said:
Just animate the mods and admins first, then do some more well known members like ish and afro, then do random guys.

Or do anyone first the actually supplied pics, I think I'll supply some modded to be a little bit mr l
Ouch, that hurt man.
I worked on the SS's flame today. All I need to do is add some extra colors and then we got some :awesome: flames. SWF soon.

- mymixed
Mixed, You can use my avatar. It's the grim reaper from Castlevania.
K DJ, I'll use that avatar. I'll add myself eventually, don't worry :D, but not until the game is :awesome:!

- mymixed
I came up with the idea, so I believe I should be in this

and being a mod, I should priority over members who arent :P
I think mods already are a priority lolz.

Also, mixed, if you want to make like, some sort of female-pyro character, samjc3 is a great bet.
Weird, I posted like three times... Anyway SS, Thats a good idea I try and do that. Right now I'm working on you. :D

- mymixed
ShockSlayer said:
I'm like, ModRetro's main character, so I should be in it.

I mainly fight with my sword, but I have arm flamethrowers too. I can throw N64p's at people, and occasionally it should be a koolaid pitcher. My grab attack should be with a hotglue gun web, and my final smash I jump into the air and crush someone with the tower of power while screaming WWWWRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Occasionally the tower of power should be replaced with a giant car battery with a wii hotglued onto it. My taunt should be me pulling out a glass of lemonade with an awesome face in it, then drinking it. Alternate costumes should be a headband version with a giant smile, a panda suit version, a version where my sword is a soldering iron, and a Billy Mays version.


:awesomethursty: <<<<<3333333333
Make people have the most ridiculous run cycles ever.

Also, make a joke Fat SS character based on that "Legend of Shock Slayer" game.
Yoshilime M.R. said:
Make a joke Fat SS character based on that "Legend of Shock Slayer" game.
I think that SS should actually animated well. Ya. Look at fancy pants - that will be SS and everyone else in the game.

- mymixed
Sneak dead Tali into the game somewhere, just to piss sj3 off. Maybe as a poster or photograph or something.
If you deem me worthy of a character I would like for my main look to be DAT ASS and FSJAL to be my taunt. Throw in a SHOOP DA WHOOP lazer for extra lulz.
Tali? Budnespid: You'll probably get a character. Actually, yours should be easer to animate then SS's. SS has to be pretty realistic.

- mymixed
I honestly shouldn't have to post, but, I'm not about to risk not doing it.

If you don't put me in here, you're getting banned.