Mod Retro: The Video Game

mymixed said:
Mako: I think you'll be like the donkey kong of the game but with your avatar.

- mymixed

Woah woah woah, if anyones going to be the Donkey Kong of the game It should be me.
<------ :awesome:
Ha Ok,
D.K. you can be the donkey kong.
Mako: Metroids.
SS: I was actually going to use you but couldn't find any side pics - still looking.
Thecawesomeone: It will probably be like smash bros; not street fighter.
I'll also put everyone else in.

- mymixed

EDIT: Kyle I saw your ad. :awesome:.

EDIT^2: SS would you rather be drawn and animated or animate pictures?

EDIT^3: Okay, SS do you have any video of you running or something - weird request. Also, animation will probably be more fluid.
This will be amazing when its done. Put me in it


If there are special attacks, mine should be me throwing a bomb with a WiiMote strapped to it
Thanks for the pics - it makes animating easer. I thinks I'll animate SS first and then add everyone else. The βeta will probably have SS completed as well as a few levels completed AND some extra people.

- mymixed
Ha okay, ANIMATING BEGINS TONIGHT! The engine works well, but I wont show that off until I get some animation. Progress late tonight OR tomorrow.

- mymixed
Just a suggestion, I think you should add something to the title screen, so it's not just black with some text. Maybe a picture of all the characters or something. Also, how is the combat going to work? Will it use a health system or be like Super Smash Bro's?
Ok, I'll release an :awesome: one with the beta. I'll do the detail later. Heath - Probably three lives, health goes down you lose a life. You can also gain lives by something else thats :awesome:. I'll figure it out as I go on.

- mymixed
Just animate the mods and admins first, then do some more well known members like ish and afro, then do random guys.

Or do anyone first the actually supplied pics, I think I'll supply some modded to be a little bit mr l