Megaman Legends 3 cancelled

yeah, Nintendo doesn't really make the same thing over and over again. There will be the rare case they do something shameless like the Mario Allstars Wii as previously mentioned, but its far from their M.O.

Now if you're trolling about how Nintendo keeps making sequels to games, well their sequels tend to have a good deal of space and hard work in between iterations unlike SOME franchises (we've had how many Call of Duty games over two generations of consoles?)
COD2 rocks. 3 sucks. (as do all that came after. Fact.). As for streetfighter, 3 is best. And megaman X was the only one Ive played. I wasnt really that impressed.
CoD2 was good, CoD4 was excellent, never played 1 or 3. MW2 was well done but very similar to CoD4- I can see why people call it a rehash. Never played BlOps or WaW either. As for Street Fighter, I've only actually played 2. Found it ridiculously hard and didn't really like it.