Megaman Legends 3 cancelled

Yeah Capcom doesn't really give a *Can'tSayThisOnTV* about Megaman anymore. They're too busy releasing a million versions of SF4 still.
Never was a huge fan of many of the Mega Man spinoffs, besides Mega Man X.
They can use that staff to develop Hyper Street Fighter 4: Turbo Champion Edition The New Challengers HD
Kickback said:
They can use that staff to develop Hyper Street Fighter 4: Turbo Champion Edition The New Challengers HD
Yeah. (reminds me of the time when everyone was like were is SF2 SF3
When did people start hating Street Fighter IV? There are only two core updates, Super and Arcade Edition. And if everyone is so tired of it, then why did people flock like seagulls to the 3DS version? I realize this is Capcom's modus operandi, to release a flax ton of ports/remakes/whatever, but if you're one of the people who bought a copy, especially one of the updates, then you REALLY shouldn't be complaining.
I digress, regardless of what they're doing with Street Fighter they really need to show Mega Man some more love. It really was a slap in the face when they announced the day after that they would re-release Dr. Wily's Revenge on the eshop. Also, I wanted Megaman Universe, It looked pretty similar to the awesome PSP game Mega Man: Powered Up. Also, no more 8-bit Mega Man games, at least not right now. flax's tired.
I don't hate Street Fighter IV, I was just taking the piss out of how Capcom like to completely rinse every drop of sweat from the franchise as humanly possible.

I think Street Fighter II is a superior title to both 3 and 4 though.
Kickback said:
I think Street Fighter II is a superior title to 3.

No one was saying SF4 is a flax game, we're just pissed at the fact they keep releasing the same Dang game over again. It isn't the 90's anymore, and Capcom needs to realize they can't keep on pulling this crap. The LEAST they can do is allow people to update cheaply via DLC. They're pulling the same thing now with Marvel 3 too. They promised frequent dlc characters that would make up a huge roster in a year's time, and instead we got two dlc characters THAT WERE ON THE DISC, because instead they are just going to release Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, which is the same flax but with a few new characters that should have been DLC.

So yeah, even if I bought SSF4:3D (which I sold), I can still Sega about Capcom's buisness practices all I want. Yeah SF4 is a good game, but instead of re-releasing it multiple times they should have done what Mortal Kombat did and offer loads of content/modes from the start, and then expand via DLC if they want.
Personally, as good as 4 is, 3 and 2 are leagues above Street Fighter 4, everyone should know that.

Everyone should know Capcom's policy of games is essentially rinse the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* out of everything until the flannel is completely *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing dry, Resident Evil 1 was re-released twice, the main series of Megaman is 10 games, plus X, plus Legends, plus Battle Network.

Why buy a game once when we can release it near enough 4 times?

EDIT: Resident Evil Mercs on 3DS shouldn't even be a full title, it's an extra in 3, 4 and 5 and now all of a sudden it's worth full price, lol.
speaking of endless re-releases of Street Fighter games, they're re-releasing Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
So when Capcom releases the same game over and over again it's stupid, but when Nintendo releases the same game over and over again it's on everyone's wishlist?

:trollface: I had to.
bic said:
So when Capcom releases the same game over and over again it's stupid, but when Nintendo releases the same game over and over again it's on everyone's wishlist?
*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING THIS.ohailion
How exactly? Nintendo doesn't release the same game, with a few new things as a new game on the same system. They do ports sometimes, yeah. And if you mean like, sequels, then you can say the same thing about ALL sequels. I wouldn't care if Capcom just ported SF4 to a bunch of different platforms. The issue is they re-release it on the same system(s) over and over.
Nintendo doesn't really have many truly shameless ports. The only one really was Mario Allstars last year, which was simply an SNES rom burned onto a DVD and marketed as nostalgia. Other than that and maybe when they put Ocarina on the Gamecube, I don't really see how they've been that bad, and they've never done what Capcom's doing, I've never seen something like Ultimate Super Mario Bros. 3 Hyper Arcade Edition Turbo.