Low Battery Indication LED for GBC

eurddrue said:
Bibin said:
Why not just do it right the first time with 3V? A voltage regulator will waste a bit of power anyway, and take up more space.
Then his precious circuit wouldn't work. :awesome:
Exactly. This way, you needn't design an entire new circuit from scratch.
Basement_Modder said:
That's what LI-PO batteries are for. :wink3:
If you used 2 of these in parallel, you could fit them in, and use the originally designed 7.4v circuit. Win-win.

Those things are a bloody centimeter thick!

If you can fit two in a CGB, plus the regulator circuit, along with the circuit for the battery indicator, then hey, more power to ya.
Here's a thought: Redesign the indicator circuit.

That way you don't need to add a new battery, charging circuit, a regulator circuit, or have to physically modify the CGB.
jleemero said:
Basement_Modder said:
With a dremel, anything is possible. :wink:

No, no you see, two of those on top of eachother is THICKER THAN THE CGB.
:funny: You pointed out a truth in a way that made me laugh. :clap:
jleemero said:
Here's a thought: Redesign the indicator circuit.

That way you don't need to add a new battery, charging circuit, a regulator circuit, or have to physically modify the CGB.
Yes, Basement_Modder, could you please redesign the circuit?
Why not just make the charging circuit external with a simple plug to the battery? That's how I used a cell phone battery, and kept the motherboard of my old phone just to charge it (in a radioshack enclosure, with a simple 4-wire plug between the phone's contacts and the built-in battery's contacts, with a plug on the outside).