Lots stuff for sale


Active Member
(yes this a repost. Except for one item)

Here's what I have for sale:

Gaming Guides, manuals, and maps:
- (3) Dragonball Z Taiketsu guides (one still have the DVD)
- Delta Force Black Hawk Down guide
- Thirteen guide
- Stonekeeper Map guide
- Advance D&D 2nd Edition Dungeon Master's Screen
- Lords of the Realm II manual
- Warcraft II Tides of Darkness manual
- Diablo manual
- Manhunt guide
- Counter Strike (xbox) guide
- NCAA Football 2004 guide
- Vietcong guide
- Socom II guide
- Everquest: Lost dungeons of Norrath guide, manual, and map
- Everquest Offical guide
- Everquest manual
- Everquest: Planes of Power manual and map
- Everquest: Gates of Discord map
- NBA 21K (Dreamcast) manual
- TeeOff (Dreamcast) manual
one other dreamcast game manual, forgot the name

- Everquest: Planes of Power
- Diablo
- World Championship Series: includes Texas Hold'em Tournament Edition and Blackjack World Championship
- Card Games for Windows (unopened)
- Dark Age of Camelot
- Devastation
- Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (this isn't listed on the my topic at benheck. But will be listed there in a few days)
I also my have a Warcraft 2 disk. And if I do have it. I'm not sure if it's the main game or a expansion.

Gaming Peripherals and Extras:

- Nascar Steering Wheel and Pedals for Playstation or PC (not sure which)

Other Gaming:
- The Grudge PSP Video (Unopened)

Random Electronic Items
- Sharp battery powered Alarm Clock Radio
- Honda Car Radio

- MIB Soundtrack
- Rolling Stone Mini Disk

Knick Knacks:
- ET & Me key chain from the 80's (unopened)
- Sydney 2000 Olympic key chain
- (2) Popular Mechanics cd-rom about cars
- Windows 95 Books and Manuals

If you want pics of any of the items, Just ask.

Make some offer people!!

I'm also look for a screen of any size for use in a portable.
Interested in "- Sharp battery powered Alarm Clock Radio" because I can't figure out how to set the alarm on the clock radio I have now. :lol:
Hey KillGood

Does $5 and what ever it cost to ship to you sound good?

And do you wish to have a picture of item?

Edit: Just found out it doesn't have a radio. But it seems to be a atomic clock however. Since it auto set it self after setting it to my time zone. I also don't have the outside temperature sensor.
nightwheel said:
Hey KillGood

Does $5 and what ever it cost to ship to you sound good?

And do you wish to have a picture of item?

Edit: Just found out it doesn't have a radio. But it seems to be a atomic clock however. Since it auto set it self after setting it to my time zone. I also don't have the outside temperature sensor.
or perhaps it has a battery inside and was preset with a base-time that kept counting on the battery power. I have an alarm-clock that was like that.

And yes if you search Sharp SPC315 on google. It comes up as a Atomic Clock.
epicelite said:
Nothing is wrong I just dunno how to set the alarm because none of the buttons are labeled worth crap.

Well On a clock I have. To set the alarm time. I hold the button labeled "Alarm" while using the hour and minute button to set the alarm time.
Yeah that is how my old one was, this one there is like no buttan with alarm labeleded on it. :wtf:

Maybe it doesn't have a alarm.