Lines in a DMG screen


No Stranger To Love
I swore I read something about this awhile ago. My DMG has broken pixel lines 'n flax. I heard this was because of the resistor or the LCD itself, but again I can't remember. What's the problem with my DMG's screen, and is there any way I can fix it?
hmm. you could always make sure the ribbon cable is tight.beyond that, ive never been inside my dmg, and know nothing of this. sorry. ;)
Palmer suggested that I follow that guide too. I'll replace the tip of my soldering iron soon so I can actually mod and flax.
While on the topic of the DMG, can it only use headphones designed for it or what?

That's the kind of question you should instead try yourself, then ask if you are still confused. I'm not going to answer it, and please, nobody else do either.

J.D. Grab some headphones. Plug them in. Try it.
:awesome: I've read the tuts on fixing the dead lines/pixels. I'm still having trouble fixing them. Is there a link to a pic/diagram on how to properly do this? I'm having a hard time finding that mysterious brown cable that's at the bottom the LCD.... :sweat:
Bibin said:

That's the kind of question you should instead try yourself, then ask if you are still confused. I'm not going to answer it, and please, nobody else do either.

J.D. Grab some headphones. Plug them in. Try it.
Headphones won't work with it.
Yeah. I'm probably just gonna throw my DMG away though, since I uglied it with green krylon fusion.