Let your opinion be heard!

Twilight Wolf

Frequent Poster
Hate the new YouTube video page layout? Now you can let YouTube know!

If you're interested, here's how I filled the survey out.

How satisfied are you with new version of the YouTube video page?
Moderately dissatisfied

Typically, how often do you use YouTube?
Multiple times per day

What, if anything, did you find frustrating or unappealing about the new YouTube video page? What new features or capabilities would you like to see on the video page?
The rating system is terrible. What was so wrong with the five-star rating system that it had to be taken away and replaced with an overly-simplistic "like or dislike" system? Most videos can NOT be classified as either a "like" or "dislike." The old system gave you two degrees of both, plus a neutral option. This means I could rate videos precisely as I saw fit. Taking away the five-star system limits me from giving my honest opinion about a video. As it is now, if I see a video I neither like nor dislike, I don't rate it, and I can't see why that would be a good thing. I give this decision a thumbs-down. WAY down.

Another frustrating feature is that you can't see what videos are rated until AFTER you rate them! Who came up with that idea? It used to be I could look at a video's ratings and decide whether I wanted to spend my time watching that particular video or skip it. Now I have no idea if a video is worth devoting my time to until after I've watched it. I also give this decision a thumbs-down. WAY down.

I don't particularly care for the video description being moved to beneath the video. The old format worked just fine; why change it? The page's original flow has been ruined, and as far as I can tell, I can't subscribe to someone's channel through a video page any more. And why take away the simple "favorite" button on a video? Why do we have to use a drop-down menu now? It's not a big inconvenience, but it didn't need to be changed. At all. Thumbs-down yet again.

What do you like best about the new video page?
Videos do seem to load up a bit faster, and seeing the two highest-rated comments on the first page is actually a good touch. I do like that.

Did you experience any problems or difficulties with the new video page in the last two weeks?
Yes, specifically: I can't subscribe to people through a video page any more.

If you could describe the new version of the YouTube video page in one word, what would it be?

Did you take the guided tour of the new video page?
I hate it as well, especially since they're trying to copy facebook, videos are slower and giving random errors. And the rating system is just aweful.