JonJandran a.k.a Hailrazer on a Retro League Podcast


Frequent Poster
Nickerous over at the Retro League asked me to do an interview about how I got into video games and video game system modding.

So if you're interested here is the link to the site and the 53 minute interview.

I realize I sound like a nerd and talk about nerdy things. Give me a break I really am studly , I swear. :p ... razer.aspx
Hahah, I like how you said you got into electronics. I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but I'll make sure to later.
ShockSlayer said:
They didn't mention ModRetro.... :gonk:


Well to be honest there was a lot I was going to plug and then I forgot. After an hour it's hard to remember what has been talked about.

But I did get your name in there Shock at 48:10 :)
Comments and thoughts as they come to me:

  • God this interviewer is boring.
  • "How difficult is it to create a portable, like say, if you've never soLdered before." Arrrggghh
  • You overstate the difficulty some. 100 hours is a lot for learning stuff. ;)
  • The laptops don't have batteries? Wow, news to me!
  • During your thumb story, he said "Oof" after every one of your sentences! Even when you said that you took out a knife: "Oof." I know I sound rude, but this guy is really getting on my nerves. :p
  • I just learned how to remove hotglue. Cool
  • Duct tape? I've heard of hot glue, but not duct tape. Neat.
  • How many cans of paint do you go through for each portable? I go through a similar process of one million coats and re-sanding, and I want to know if I'm not the only one that needs 2 or 3 cans to paint something like a gameboy.
  • Thousands of controllers? That better be hyperbole, or your wife really is a Goodwill shopoholic! :O
  • Cool story about your hail-chasing/ebaying stories and your collection.
  • Good luck with the Wii laptop. It sounds cool.
  • A new mystery case for a PS2?
  • An interesting listen, overall.

My first attempt at "live-blogging" something, so cut me some slack if need be.
Jewjo said:
Comments and thoughts as they come to me:

  • God this interviewer is boring.
  • You overstate the difficulty some. 100 hours is a lot for learning stuff. ;)
  • The laptops don't have batteries? Wow, news to me!
  • I just learned how to remove hotglue. Cool
  • How many cans of paint do you go through for each portable? I go through a similar process of one million coats and re-sanding, and I want to know if I'm not the only one that needs 2 or 3 cans to paint something like a gameboy.
  • Thousands of controllers? That better be hyperbole, or your wife really is a Goodwill shopoholic! :O

My first attempt at "live-blogging" something, so cut me some slack if need be.

1. Yea it's an interview, some parts are interesting to you , other parts might be interesting to others. interviews are a fickle mistress.
2. If anything I understated it. Wish people would read more than 100 hours on this site before attempting a portable, it would save a lot of these moronic questions.
3.Ben's laptops, Wii laprops, Ps3 laptops. None of them have batteries.
4 Two-Three cans per portable. I am a perfectionist.
5. At one time I had several hundred controllers. Thousands was an exaggeration.

Thanks for the constructive criticism and compliments :)
hailrazer said:
ShockSlayer said:
They didn't mention ModRetro.... :gonk:


Well to be honest there was a lot I was going to plug and then I forgot. After an hour it's hard to remember what has been talked about.

But I did get your name in there Shock at 48:10 :)

Listen to the first three minutes only. THen i listen to that just now.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS CAR BATTERY! My WiiL was battery powered, although it died after a week or two. :p
