Downing's 2nd N64p "The Nimbus 64"


Well-Known Member
Well I guess the cat got let out of the bag a bit early, but wow! I am amazed and so excited about all the attention and making it onto Engadget within 3 hours of posting the You Tube video! And thanks to stagueve for posting this on his webzine, you started it all! Thanks again everyone! Here are some pics and a video! Let me know what you think! Enjoy!

Here are copies to the original build logs as well.
Build Log on Ben Heck
Build Log on Mod Retro

Mario Amazed

Right Buttons

Side Profile!
Surprised at the at the lack of comments on this.

Looks good, aside from those speaker grilles :D

For your next one, you should shrink it a bit. Tis a tad bit large, and a smaller one with your vac forming skills could be pretty awesome.
I thought there was another finished thread. I think it was in the n64 section. I s'pose I should say something nice.

Good job painting it white. White can make imperfections more noticeable.
Thanks guys. Yeah, there was another thread in the N64 section, I just made a post with just the finished product to see if it would get mega stickyed! haha. I am going to try and go smaller next time, but that means that the chopping of the board, expansion pak relocation and possible RCP wiring will be needed, which still scares the $&!T out of me. But plans are already being made. Actually got a couple case commissions I'm doing right now though, so after those get done I'll be starting up the new one! And I like the speaker grills. Breaks it up a bit! haha
I like the speaker grills myself.

NICE JOB, btw. Very clean.

Adding to the megasticky - been a busy week on ModRetro! Nice to see.