Joeys MiniCube - Near Completion


Frequent Poster
well my first try at the gamecube didn't work out too well (back in 09 when I knew nothing). Tried making a few different portables after that, they all worked but I never actually finished them (case wise). I've had this cube sitting here for months and just recently decided to finally create the portable I always wanted back in 09'. So here we go round 2! Gonna have all the "standard stuff" (wiikey, trimmed, somewhat small, internal batteries). Already have the wires soldered and labeled for the Wiikey just gotta go order one, also have my audio amp wired up and when my sample comes in I will have the regulator all set up. So all I really need to do is find a case and buy a wiikey. A friend is giving me a screen that I will most likely use.
Here's a flaxty iPhone pic:

(I know, not very organized at the moment)







Re: Joeys GCp Round 2

sorry for the bump, but I have an "update" I suppose. Currently talking to my teachers at school about using the Vac Former that they have, which means I will most likely be able to make a completely custom case for this portable :)
Re: Joeys GCp Round 2

thats pretty sweet that you dont have to build your own table or anything..... i built my own but can't find any cheap plastic's to use on it :(
Re: Joeys GCp Round 2

Yeah I'm pretty excited, only been using premade cases. Glad I can finally work with a Vac-former.
on another note, Should be ordering a Wiikey tomorrow. how long does Regular Air-Mail Shipping from FoundMy usually take?
Re: Joeys GCp Round 2

actually had that bookmarked, had completely forgotten about that :P
Edit: ordered a new regulator from TI and the Wiikey. now just have to wait for those.
Vac formed case

Update with pics, was able to use the vac former today! also the card used for the wiikey got declined (not sure why, it has ~$9000 on it) but I will try ordering it again tonight. well here's the case, will be roughly the same size as the gamegear and will have a 4.3" screen.




Re: Joeys GCp Round 2 - Updated with case pictures

Got my Wiikey ordered from FoundMy. going to be out of town this weekend and can't bring this with me so expect no updates :/
Re: Joeys GCp Round 2 - Wiikey ordered

Having some issues with my voltage regulator, with the stock cube regulator picture comes up normally, but with my custom regulator picture comes out like this:

I know it's not a problem with the batteries as they have been fully charged. Not sure if it's the 3.3v line or 1.7v line. seeing as I've tested it with two different PTH08080's (that have worked perfectly on an N64), I'm going to try switching out the 1.7v reg with a different one. The PTH08T230W seems to handle higher amperage so as soon as that comes in I'm going to try it out and see if it works. Will keep you guys updated!
Re: Joeys GCp Round 2 - Wiikey ordered

PTH08080's have a 2amp limit. The 1.9v line on the GC requires about 6amps. Most likely the issue. I'm surprised it works at all to be honest.
Re: Joeys GCp Round 2 - Wiikey ordered

Not even gonna lie, that never crossed my mind. switched it out and it works fine now :dahroll:
Re: Joeys GCp Round 2 - Wiikey ordered

hmm seem to be having issues with the analogue sticks wired up to the chip on the controller. it seems even though its wired correctly, i can only move the x axis and sometimes it seems to register that its moving without me even moving the stick. ive checked the continuity and it seems there are no shorts. any ideas?
Re: Joeys GCp Round 2 - Wiikey ordered

well, when i wired my controller, i tested it on my pc with an old adapter i had, and it seemed like everything was on and moving weirdly.
However, i tryied it the next day and almost everything was fine (almost cause B was still permanently on but i've fixed that now)

What i'm saying is that for some reason it needed to rest.

Now, if it were me i'd get a new one, or try different resistances maybe i don't know

However, on all the controllers i have ever trimmed and wired (only 2 but meh) it didn't work properly unless the 3 ground pins were bridged.
Try this if not already done.
Re: Joeys GCp Round 2 - Wiikey ordered

It was just the controller. bought a new one and it works perfectly. Got my screen ordered too, so hopefully that comes in next week. still waiting on the wiikey.
Don't have the money for paint so I'll just be sanding the case and most likely not painting, thus I've come up with the name UglyCube.