bump from the dead, long story short I finished this in class about a year and a half ago. there was a decent amount of hot glue involved, along with unorganized wiring, lots of it, and while closing the portable for completion something shorted and everything went downhill from there.
I am now announcing the revival of Joey's Minicube! going to start ordering parts next paycheck along with everything I may need down the road, sadly all parts have been tossed away in boxes since I just recently moved and finding anything from the old portable will be a pain so I will most likely be ordering everything all over again (go me!) I do have a few old wiikeys that I may be able to revive, but I doubt I'll be able to unless I put some serious work and effort into it. expect updates within the next few weeks, hoping to have this thing closed up and finished within the next 1-2 months, after which I'm gonna play around with it for a bit then most likely put it up for sale!