

#1 Female Member
what are you guy's jobs?

i dont wanna go to work tomorrow, but i hope to find solace in that some of your jobs are worse thatn mine. but i doubt it. :rolleyes:
Retail management.

As far as jobs go, it's not hideous - just your average deal-with-the-public kind of stuff.
last job I had (over a year ago, now) was as a computer technician for a small company. Now I'm bumming and working on a degree in computer Engineering.
Last job(s) I had?

I worked as a bagger for 1 year, worked my bott off and was never offered a promotion to cashier because "we don't need any" even tho ever couple weeks a new cashier came in...

Then I worked at a AMC and it blew chunks, got fired after 6 months because I was meant to be seasonal but never left, lol.

Then I worked at a Fry's electronics for 2 weeks before getting laid off. :neutral2:

Been almost a year now and can't find shiz.
Let's see...

I do IT work for a local construction company.
Whenever their IT screws up, I get to fix it.
And I get paid what he does.
That's $95/hr.
What I wouldn't give for them to just HIRE ME instead of having me come in to clean up after their IT...

I also occasionally do a bit of office work for them whenever business picks up, or when their lacking employees.
Ya know, 2 important office folk on vacation at the same time, then OMIGAWD WE GOT THE BID ON 9 JOBS WITH REED AT THE SAME TIME ASDF!
Usually I get $20/hr for simpler stuff, and when I get the really fun stuff, $40/hr.

But regardless, I still rarely work.
Nothing steady, at least.
Sporadic computer work. I have two jobs, one as a maintenance manager at a city run sailing center (LOL I AM THE ONLY GUY!) where I have two guys above me, and a big boss. Yep, I have one of the 4 jobs there! :mrgreen: It is about a 10 minute walk from my house, along the ocean to boot. My other job is as a Gondolier that takes people around the canals here, singing italian love songs. No joke. ;) Pays minimum wage, but the tips are in the $20 an hour range, easily.

I am gonna get some google maps pics of my job to make you jealous. :twisted:
PalmerTech said:
Sporadic computer work. I have two jobs, one as a maintenance manager at a city run sailing center (LOL I AM THE ONLY GUY!) where I have two guys above me, and a big boss. Yep, I have one of the 4 jobs there! :mrgreen: It is about a 10 minute walk from my house, along the ocean to boot. My other job is as a Gondolier that takes people around the canals here, singing italian love songs. No joke. ;) Pays minimum wage, but the tips are in the $20 an hour range, easily.

I am gonna get some google maps pics of my job to make you jealous. :twisted:

bacteria said:
Caredo said:
Freelance gynecologist.
Funny guy!! Does that involve homework? :awesome:

As you guys probably know, I work for the police, as frontline staff. I'm not a policeman but have some of their powers whilst on duty at the Station and the role is regarded by the Chief as such - powers to search, use reasonable force when required to make a person under arrest comply, assist a policeman in subduing someone in custody as needed, take fingerprints and DNA, book people in and out and see to their rights and welfare while under arrest. It is a very diverse and responsible job, and very accountable. Do it badly and you get fired almost immediately, neglect your duties and someone gets hurt and could well spell a while in prison. Yes, that serious. Few jobs outside the police are scrutinized so closely. I have been doing it for nearly 5 years now. As well as the regular role, I am an administrator for the fingerprints system in the county, one of about a dozen across the county; I train users to use it, make sure they do it right and I admin the system for my Station. Do it right and fingerprints help solve and convict criminals, so it is important.

Of course you would have the best job. You're an adult. :p

As for me: I am my own boss. I repair game systems and accessories for people and do simple swaps like their Ring of light LED's, etc. Pay is quite well for coming from a bunch of high school students. I also do iPod work.
Body shop tech. Ive been at the same shop for 11 years so even thogh Im not the oldest I do have the most senority. A few years ago during a slow month I built some custom fenders for my car. lol
I work at a pizza place. I am not 16 so I can not make food. That gives me the jobs of dishes, sweeping, stocking coolers, and biulding pizza boxes. But my bosses are nice (This is a mom and pop shop, BTW), it's fairly fun, and I can eat for free during shift hours.
Party Guide (it's the cool way of saying promoter imo), Disc Jockey (thats DJ to you, and err.. to me too), Fashion Designer, Drug Dealer.

I don't get paid for any of this, but it's more fun than actually getting paid.
Kickback said:
Party Guide (it's the cool way of saying promoter imo), Disc Jockey (thats DJ to you, and err.. to me too), Fashion Designer, Drug Dealer.

I don't get paid for any of this, but it's more fun than actually getting paid.

You don't get paid for dealing? What?!
I worked at the local pool last year, but not this year stupid manager
Now I pretty much do odd jobs/yard work for neighbors
I have to do freakin' farmwork for like 3 cents/hour. I get payed $200 at the end of every year :lol: I so wish I had a better paying job. Or palmertech's job :lol:
I forgot to mention that I also fix stuff for friends. I don't usually charge them unless it takes a lot of labor or involves me buying a part. For instance, I fixed my friend's gamecube controller the other day for free because it only had a bad connection on one of the wires. However, I charged my other friend money when I replaced the shattered screen on his ipod.
Basement_Modder said:
Kickback said:
Party Guide (it's the cool way of saying promoter imo), Disc Jockey (thats DJ to you, and err.. to me too), Fashion Designer, Drug Dealer.

I don't get paid for any of this, but it's more fun than actually getting paid.

You don't get paid for dealing? What?!

Wasn't serious about that one
i guess that makes me the only teen here with a steady job. im not sure wether to feel bad about it, or to be happy, because i have money to buy parts for portable goodiness. :p
samjc3 said:
i guess that makes me the only teen here with a steady job. im not sure wether to feel bad about it, or to be happy, because i have money to buy parts for portable goodiness. :p
Yeah, but I'm funemployed. enjoy your day of toil and labor.