
ManicMan said:
So.. Hi-hi from the South East of England.

Great, it's another *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing brit. :/

Hey, you, go post a thread about your portable/problems in the sega forum. I'm interested to see what you're up to.
ttsgeb said:
Great, it's another gingivitus-inviting brit. :/

never understood why Yankies, who have much worse oral and other forms of hygiene, think British (or in my case English) have bad teeth... though as anyone knows, Gingivitis (as it is correctly spelt) can be caused by a large amount of reasons, like Smoking which is a favourite hobby for the unwashed mindless yankie masses.. So if you want to go around throwing insults at people, either do it with a touch of humour as to make a joke, or take it to American only places, where racism is a right you can protect while you blast people with your tin-pot guns.

ttsgeb said:
Hey, you, go post a thread about your portable/problems in the sega forum. I'm interested to see what you're up to.

Also impolite (which, by the way, means not showing good manners or being rude) but as my thread in the screens sub-forum said, it doesn't seam to be a problem with the megadrive itself right now (or as you guys call it 'Genesis due to copyright reasons back in the 80s'.)

gee, it's a great welcoming around here isn't it ¬_¬
He actually said f-ing, but the censor puts it to "gingivitus-inviting". I'm curious to see the source of your statement of Americans having worse dental hygiene than the British. But to answer your inquiry, it's because of British actors who Americans may see. For example, Ricky Gervais has quite bad teeth compared to many American movie stars. Not even that it's a bad thing, I feel the idea of having perfectly straight blindingly white teeth is pretty dumb, but that's where the idea comes from. Also, most of the US doesn't smoke anymore, much like most of the world nowadays, so again, I'm curious where you're getting your sources. The US actually has a smaller percentage of smokers than the UK, so there's that. (18.1% of adults in the US, versus 20% in England, 23% in Scotland, 21% in Wales, 24% in N. Ireland).

I do think that Geb was quite rude to you, and to all people from the Great Britain as well, but no need to go to insult all Americans. Also, I do believe his "other *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing brit" comment was a reference to a particular British person that tends to bring out some hostility in the forum, thus I believe it was supposed to be a joke, albeit a crappy one. And the "Hey, you" is a bit rude, but I do believe, in this case, he was trying to say if you post your problems in the Sega forum you may get related answers, and he is curious/looking forward to your project progress.

While you're pointing out errors, it's "seem," not "seam" in the instances you're using the word, as you're not talking about the line where the edge of two materials touch each other. :P

That bit of explanation and cheekiness aside, welcome to the forums! Sorry if I came across as hostile or anything, didn't really intend it. I actually am rather curious to see what progress you make, and if you have any electronics questions feel free to ask me. I'm sorry for the rudeness you have experienced thus far, and hope it doesn't continue.
ManicMan said:
ttsgeb said:
Great, it's another gingivitus-inviting brit. :/

never understood why Yankies, who have much worse oral and other forms of hygiene, think British (or in my case English) have bad teeth... though as anyone knows, Gingivitis (as it is correctly spelt) can be caused by a large amount of reasons, like Smoking which is a favourite hobby for the unwashed mindless yankie masses.. So if you want to go around throwing insults at people, either do it with a touch of humour as to make a joke, or take it to American only places, where racism is a right you can protect while you blast people with your tin-pot guns.

ttsgeb said:
Hey, you, go post a thread about your portable/problems in the sega forum. I'm interested to see what you're up to.

Also impolite (which, by the way, means not showing good manners or being rude) but as my thread in the screens sub-forum said, it doesn't seam to be a problem with the megadrive itself right now (or as you guys call it 'Genesis due to copyright reasons back in the 80s'.)

gee, it's a great welcoming around here isn't it ¬_¬

He wasn't being serious.

You're new so obviously you wouldn't get it, but it's a small-ish community and we all make fun of each other here. Roll with the punches and dish it back out and you'll be fine.
^_^ okay, sorry. I was more referring to American culture as a whole more then any people per say (for some reason, while English TV seams to be okay with stereotyping, as we don't just use the 'loud mouth new yorker' type, American TV seams to have only 3 different types of English person.. bad cockney who was most likely not even from Cheapside, London (a Cockney is a person born within hearing distance of the St Mary Le Bow church bells in Cheapside, London), a 'Queens English' person (often Homosexual) and someone from Manchester with a bad accent..

as for the hygiene. I know a number of people in and around the Dental profession in both the UK and US and it seams in the US, notable 'stars' bleach there teeth to make them white-white which isn't a very safe thing to do, where as Bleaching is kinda starting to take off in the UK, but not as much, also the Average America diet has way more sugars and harmful acids which damage the teeth both visually and internally.

for smoking.. it might have changed since I last looked but I often (and I will admit not always the best option) go via population amount then percentages as for things like smoking, the amount of people is more important. a Smaller percentage of a larger group can still mean a lot more people, a lot more second hand smokers, a lot more smoke related damage etc. I don't think he was well known in the US, but a famous great UK performer called Roy Castle never had a cigarette in his life (or cigar or any other smoking tool) and yet died of second hand smoke (he played in a lot of jazz clubs).

and seem and seam is kind a blind spot for me ^_^ sorry about that, but when I get a bit annoyed I do tend to forget my spellcheckers don't work in context.

In the UK we often make fun of each other etc, but it's normally in.. I'm not sure the best way to refer to it, but a lot of Americans often don't quite understand it and believe some of us are at each others throats.

I was going to post in the Sega section about what I'm doing when I get past the 'knowing it works' stage.. I see the first step is to get the parts and know they work before cutting and soldering and screwing about. I got about 21 steps worked out and I'm on step 3 so far. though a couple of the steps may not be needed (depends on how things go)..

Oh and.. you can keep Ricky Gervais.. sooner we get rid of him the better ¬_¬; part of the modern day English ... person that has pretty much killed off the old time British TV comedy.
ManicMan said:
Oh and.. you can keep Ricky Gervais.. sooner we get rid of him the better ¬_¬; part of the modern day English ... person that has pretty much killed off the old time British TV comedy.
I'll gladly keep Gervais. Extras was brilliant. Also, I'm taking Stephen Merchant as part of the package.
Actually, it wasn't because of other British people in the forums, it was because of this line:
ManicMan said:
I also seam to have a habit of rubbing people the wrong way for some reason


I completely forgot about the word filter there, but I entirely approve of what it did.
Everything i've ever seen him do he comes off as irritatingly smug, something about it just rubs me the wrong way.

Ricky does the same kind of thing, and I hate his stand up (seriously, he's awful) but as a writer of a TV show, he's really good at it. Extras, The Office and Idiot Abroad are all gold tbh.
Kickback said:
Everything i've ever seen him do he comes off as irritatingly smug, something about it just rubs me the wrong way.
Really? It's been awhile since I've seen The Ricky Gervais Show or Idiot Abroad where he's himself, but the first thing I ever saw him in was Extras and I thought he was great as the incompetent agent.
grossaffe said:
Kickback said:
Everything i've ever seen him do he comes off as irritatingly smug, something about it just rubs me the wrong way.
Really? It's been awhile since I've seen The Ricky Gervais Show or Idiot Abroad where he's himself, but the first thing I ever saw him in was Extras and I thought he was great as the incompetent agent.

I remember seeing one of his stand up shows. I fell asleep during it so I guess that's my review.

Although he's at least something, which is more than I can say for Michael McIntyre.
StormMods said:
My name is StormMods and I'm 14 years old.
And...Well I'm a noob at modding and I'm shy. :oops:

Hey there Storm, we've all been nooks at some point even the best of the best so if you have a question feel free to ask. Also there's no need to be shy around here everyone will be willing to help you and give you information!
Hey everyone I'm The_Next_Guy. I'm 15 turing 16 in September. I started watching this forum after a friend of mine told me about portable Gamecubes. I currently have a lot of experiance with Java and HTML. I live in Florida and am currently working on a gamecube portable myself.
i was samus from benheck forums. i'm not a modder but i like to read about it and i'm a retro collector. greetings.
mcrstp said:
i was samus from benheck forums. i'm not a modder but i like to read about it and i'm a retro collector. greetings.
I feel like it's been a lifetime since I was on the ben heck forums.