
Bacteria's sig on benheck, I was shocked to find it but then I was like wow. It's like benheck but better.
Its right here:
Hi y'all. I've been reading benheck for about year and a half, and I decided that modretro was a better place. I have started a portable that I'll upload pics for tommorrow. Hopefully, I can help contribute to this place in a positive manner.
Victim said:
Hi y'all. I've been reading benheck for about year and a half, and I decided that modretro was a better place. I have started a portable that I'll upload pics for tommorrow. Hopefully, I can help contribute to this place in a positive manner.
Sweet! What system did you do your portable on?
Victim said:
I made a psone over Christmas, but the case bothered me. I started in on a N64 this time with ABS cement.
Whoa! You're already beating me :lol: If you took a lot of pictures, you should make a build log thread! But if you didn't, you could just make a thread and post the pictures of the final system, SifuF style ;) And, N64? That's the system I've been portablizing for the last 10 months! :lol:
chocoboy, formerly know as xtrmgam3r360 on benheck
I lurked those forums for a looonnngg time, then when I finally decided to join I still didn't post much (except for the occasional opinion, or helping someone) well hopefully that will change and I will become a more active member/modder/friend to everyone on here :D
I've noticed that a lot of members came over here from benheck and post mostly on here now, so I guess I'll be on here a lot more.

So who started this forums anyway, and what was wrong with benheck?

(this is the same wise1 from benheck, I kept the name, even though it's ridiculous)
thewise1 said:
So who started this forums anyway, and what was wrong with benheck?
palmertech started this forum.

the problem with benheck was very obvious. i'll let those who use big words take it from here. :P

welcome, by the way. :D
samjc3 said:
thewise1 said:
So who started this forums anyway, and what was wrong with benheck?
palmertech started this forum.

the problem with benheck was very obvious. i'll let those who use big words take it from here. :P

welcome, by the way. :D
I'm going to feel stupid for asking, but what was obvious? The only problem I saw with it was spam, I don't think that's enough of a reason to start a new forums. I guess I just wasn't a member long enough to see when it was "good".
I made this site.

I made it because, in short, Ben is irrelevant to the scene, there were issues with the moderators, the reference section was a sucky idea, etc.

To be honest, there are not all that many problems with the benheck forums. I just saw a lot of things that could be improved upon, and it was obvious that it was not going to happen there. My ad-share plan, for example. ;)

Glad to have you! BTW, I loved your N64p. :mrgreen:
bacteria said:
thewise1 - Welcome here! The more the merrier.

We will do what we can to make your stay here an enjoyable one, we care about our members. As the site motto (ShockSlayer thought of the motto BTW) - "Why reinvent the wheel? Just improve it!" We are here to give the modding community a better experience, and choice. :wink:

That is the best part about this. Portableizers now can choose which site to be a member of, instead of just being forced to go to benheck. thewise1- welcome to modretro. :thumb:

Love the new smilies- btw.
I enjoy both sites, but I hardly post on either. Turknatr12 = Turknatr12. I've had problems with a select person on Benheck forums in the past and I know I can feel unthreatened here.