alright, ive been working on a portable multi system and i cant seem to find the power requirements of the Dreamcast. seems pretty newbish to ask but i dont own one and have never even seen one in person. so if any one can help please tell me. also, id like to know if there are any hardware mods for the dreamcast i can make, like extra ram, a co-processor for the GPU and CPU or somehow make it play audio CDs and video DVDs. finally if you have any ideas one how to make the Dreamcast run a decent version of linux PLEASE tell me, id love to see an old game console run linux!!
if you want to see my multi systems progress, look under N64, it topic is called portable N64 since originally i was going to make a portable N64.
if you want to see my multi systems progress, look under N64, it topic is called portable N64 since originally i was going to make a portable N64.