Ideas for New Hobby


Well-Known Member
I need some ideas for a hobby. I have a source of income now, so I can actually buy stuff. All the things I want to do aren't possible because I don't have the tools, space, or the money saved (like swapping a VW TDI into a Jeep or making a snowmobile dirt-worthy). So, what are some things you guys can recommend that don't cost a ton (<$200 unless it's awesome) and don't require a lot of space or tools (I live in a dorm)?
Scale models. If you don't have space, I'd recommend 1/48 and 1/72 scale airplanes. Tanks are also fun and small.
RC flying. You can get started for $200, especially if you are resourceful. is helpful if you want to get into it. I haven't flown RC in a while though, and seem to have forgotten a lot of it.

Model rocketry is dirt cheap if you do it right. Build your own launch set out of junk and don't buy commercial rockets. I find paper towel rolls make good rockets. I can give you help on this if you want and I have a thread in the "other" section. If you are really nuts, build a shoulderable rocket launcher and load the rocket with explosives.
Ampersand said:
Ant farm?
Pets aren't allowed, I assume ants would count as pets.
Bino Gas said:
Scale models. If you don't have space, I'd recommend 1/48 and 1/72 scale airplanes. Tanks are also fun and small.
I think there are some guys on base that are into Warhammer 40k, so that is one option. I suck at painting, though.
XCVG said:
RC flying. You can get started for $200, especially if you are resourceful. is helpful if you want to get into it. I haven't flown RC in a while though, and seem to have forgotten a lot of it.

Model rocketry is dirt cheap if you do it right. Build your own launch set out of junk and don't buy commercial rockets. I find paper towel rolls make good rockets. I can give you help on this if you want and I have a thread in the "other" section. If you are really nuts, build a shoulderable rocket launcher and load the rocket with explosives.
RC was one of the things I was thinking of. I'm just not sure if I want to go land-bound or flying. I've wanted to build an fairly large (1/4 or 1/6 scale) RC tank for quite a while, but that'll have to wait a couple months until I get a car so I'll have a place to put it.

Rockets are kinda iffy. I'm in the Army and living on base, so anything weapon-like is a no no. I don't think I would be allowed to store the motors in my room.
vskid3 said:
I've wanted to build an fairly large (1/4 or 1/6 scale) RC tank for quite a while, but that'll have to wait a couple months until I get a car so I'll have a place to put it.

Grow marijuana. It's fun, exciting, and the only downfall is if you get caught. unless you live in the state of California and have a weed license, than you can grow up to 6 mature plants and 12 immature plants. also you can make a really good profit from white widow :p
Edit: just saw it says that you live in Cali... go check your county laws on marijuana xD i'm kidding..

I'd say RC cars or something.
Basement_Modder said:
Become a period blood artist.

I'm leaning towards RC, but I'm also thinking of just saving my money to do other sweet things down the road (such as the dirt snowmobile).