i may be gone for awhile.

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snowpenguin said:
themadhacker said:
all my friends tghat do pot are perfectly fine. in fact, one of them had a 95% in our spanish class.

But pot isn't a drug. At least, it shouldn't be considered one like meth, or crack. It's basically the same as beer, except that you smoke it.

+1 to the -100.
Pot may not be in the same class of drugs as crystal meth or crack-cocaine, but it can still do just as much long-term damage to your body. It is impossible to overdose on pure marijuana, but 99% of the "pot" people get in modern times is laced with other drugs such as crack in order to make it more addictive. Also-smoking pure marijuana quadruples your risk for getting lung cancer, and can easily mess up your brain cells. (much worse then beer does.)
themadhacker said:
I am talking about real un-laced pot.

and since when does pot do more damage to your lungs than cigarettes?
It doesn't have a filter. cigarettes triple your risk, pot quad's it.
I'm a hardcore anti-drug-100% type guy, and even I acknowledge that Pot is to Cigarettes what Water is to Motor Oil.

Pot doesn't do even a fraction of a percent of what cigarettes do to your lungs.
jleemero said:
I'm a hardcore anti-drug-100% type guy, and even I acknowledge that Pot is to Cigarettes what Water is to Motor Oil.

Pot doesn't do even a fraction of a percent of what cigarettes do to your lungs.
Not as far a the "tar" effect, but it does other stuff that makes lung cancer happen. Don't remember the specifics right now. Shame on me. I got 110% on my health final exam. :lol:
Basement_Modder said:
jleemero said:
I'm a hardcore anti-drug-100% type guy, and even I acknowledge that Pot is to Cigarettes what Water is to Motor Oil.

Pot doesn't do even a fraction of a percent of what cigarettes do to your lungs.
Not as far a the "tar" effect, but it does other stuff that makes lung cancer happen. Don't remember the specifics right now. Shame on me. I got 110% on my health final exam. :lol:

Actually, not only does it not have (most) of the Carcinogens, it's also a bronchial-dilator, whereas tobacco smoke is a bronchial-constrictor.

'Tis why pot smokers cough up black tar, and tobacco smokers don't.
Weed is in some ways softer than tobacco, but I agree with Bacteria saying that it leads into harder drugs. By itself cannabis isn't that bad (in relative terms, in absolute terms it's still bad) but since it's a drug, people will be like "oh this isn't that bad I'm gonna try some cocaine". I know a guy who used to smoke marijuana. Apparently his grades went up after he quit. I've heard that he's hitting the booze now though, not sure. I know a lot of people who claim to have tried or actively do pot. Where I live pot is *the* drug, must be from all those hippies. I know I'm kinda sitting on the fence here, but I do that quite a bit.
i had the issues long before i started smoking pot. for that matter, i only tried pot to see if it helped me stay in control, and it actually does. quite frankly, pot isnt nearly as dangerous as the med's they keep trying to give me, like clozapine, agranulocytosis, respideral, aripiprisol, and the like, wich are supposed to help but have "potentially fatal side effects" :? believe you me, pot scares the flax out of me, but so does losing control. i dont want to hurt anyone else, so i hurt myself instead. :( :neutral2: :hand: :gonk:
So, anyone still saying "just a bit of harmless pot" or "just a bit of weed" - are idiots in the extreme. Crikey themadhacker - you love Ozzy right - how screwed up is Ozzy thanks to drugs? He can barely string a sentence together, admits drugs screwed his brain up, was arrested years ago as a robber (in the '60's) and for nearly killing his wife in the '80's - drugs (as well as alcohol) related. Do you want to end up like Ozzy, your hero?

I should have guessed somebody would bring up ozzy osbourne. He did cocain and lots of alcohol though. And when I was talking about the effects of pot, I was not talking of going into harder drugs. In fact, I don't know anybody who has gone from pot to another drug.

And in case you are wondering, I don't do any type of drugs. Never have and probably never will.

BTW: Ozzy Osbourne's addictions also led him to shoot all 17 of his family's cats ( the final event which led him to get off drugs), and it was cocaine which led Randy Rhode's pilot to lose controll of the airplane which wrecked and killed Randy.
I'm surprised that you didn't mention the fact that drugs also got Ozzy kicked out of his own band (Black Sabbath).

1) This thread was started for someone leaving, but we already have a thread dedicated to that.
2) We're no longer on that subject even, but are in fact discussing drugs, safety, morals, law, health, and other such things.

Yeah, no.
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